How to understand what energy protection costs. Energy Protection. How to put protection from dark forces and people? Protection from negativity with a mirror

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In the process of spiritual development, our vibrations rise.

Everyone's energy is different. How not to pick up what is not needed?

If you are engaged in spiritual practices, maintain the purity of your energy field, vibrations and / or have a special sensitivity to other people's emotions, energies, you will definitely need energy protection techniques.

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We offer several tools that you can easily apply when you find yourself in a crowd.

Why is energy protection necessary?

Each person has an energy field, an aura. For some, the aura is narrowed, while for others it extends several meters in diameter.

When you go “to people”, when you ride public transport, whether you like it or not, you come into contact with other people's energy fields.

So your aura is invaded alien energy.

It is good if a person has high spirits, and he radiates joy and happiness.

But, unfortunately, most people carry with them thought forms of their problems, which are reflected in their aura.

When using aura protection techniques, remember that you are not doing this out of fear that someone will influence you in the wrong way, but out of love for people.

Before moving on to the techniques, let's recall the general rules for protecting your energy, adhering to which, in most cases, you will not need to protect yourself from negativity.

If it is not inside you, it will simply not be attracted to you.

  • do not get involved in drama;
  • do not judge, do not gossip, etc.;
  • ground yourself regularly;
  • do energy gymnastics;
  • meditate.

But still, in situations where you are in crowds of people: shopping centers, markets, supermarkets, concerts, stadiums, etc., you will need the following techniques.

Energy Protection Techniques

1. Balancing the energy field

When you go to a large group of people, squeeze your aura up to 70 cm - 1 m or less.

Those who speak at various conferences with huge crowds of people, on the contrary, stretch their aura so that people fall into their charisma.

In this case, we have another task - not to pick up other people's negative emotions.

Therefore, before going to crowded places:

  • Explore the boundaries energy field. They must be tight.
  • Check your aura for holes.

If they are, imagine that you exhale pink (or any other) light from your heart, and everything around you becomes homogeneous.

2. Protection technique "Egg" (Cocoon)

This technique works very well. Imagine yourself in a cocoon of energy, in a cocoon of white color.

white light gives maximum protection. He is impenetrable.

When you are in a white cocoon, nothing comes out to you or from you. At this moment, you are an invisible person energetically.

You can use other colors depending on the situation:

  • If love is needed, surround yourself with pink light.
  • Green is good for healing.
  • Blue for protection.

3. Violet flame protection

purple flame has a cleansing property. It can be used in various situations and options.

For example:

  • Before going to a crowded place, cover the outside of the aura with a layer of purple.
  • After visiting public places, when you come home, “wash” yourself with a purple shower.

Violet flame starts transformation process, so use this tool with caution, dosed.

Read more about the violet flame, its meaning and use in the article. It also features the Journey to the Temple of the Violet Flame meditation.

4. Appeal to spiritual mentors

Everyone has Guardian angel, and not just one.

Angels are always with us on the subtle plane. Their task is to protect, protect and guide us.

But until we ourselves ask them, they will not be able to help.

How to communicate with angels read in the books of Doreen Virtue.

In moments of fear, when you urgently need protection, turn to Archangel Michael:

5. Create a sacred place

An excellent means of protection is to organize for yourself sacred place.

It can be a specific place in your house or a place near your house. Where you feel comfortable and safe.

This is your secret place where you come to recharge your energy.

Make a rule when you come home, go there so that no one touches you for 10 minutes.

Another use case:

If you find yourself in the thick of things, where people are fussing and panicking around you, take a deep breath in and out with your heart and imagine that you are in your sacred place.

You are calm, nothing disturbs you. Physically you are in chaos, but your consciousness is at rest.

Those who have been on the path of spiritual growth for a long time and have the necessary means themselves protection from energy influences.

And everyone has their own “first aid kit”.

Connect your fantasy listen to intuition. Create your own defenses.

It doesn't matter how you do it, but what matters is that you do it. apply in your life.

Energy protection from negativity, magical protection, protection of subtle bodies

Attention! The post is old and left here as an archive.

Many "energy attacks" are lessons to be worked through, which a person himself attracts, but seeks to avoid at all costs. Just as a child tries to hide in a house from his parents in order to avoid responsibility for illegally eaten chocolate, so adult uncles and aunts may develop a persecution mania by visible and invisible enemies, leading to a desire to hang themselves with icons, amulets, runes, spheres and other magical candelabra. Protecting yourself from minor external influences, you deprive yourself of a lesson in the moment, thereby postponing it for the future and multiplying excess potential, because you still have to go through it.

It is much more appropriate to gradually work through your weaknesses, emotions, beliefs and character traits that attract "undesirable" situations into your life than to refuse to interact with external stimuli-teachers if the lesson is still not learned. These developments are better to take place gradually on simple events, rather than constantly being in an armored cocoon of "protection from negativity", attracting the attention of more dodgy "aggressors" who perform their function in the teacher's ecosystem.

Of course, each rule has its own exceptions, for example, cases when you are under a direct psycho-energetic attack or you are in a deliberately aggressive environment, however, such things are also not accidental and for the most part are the result of your choices and / or an overflowing cup of accumulated (not passed , ignored) by you lessons. Also, in a completely different plane lies the work with the sub-settlements, which are often our own rejected aspects, it is pointless to defend against them (you can’t run away from yourself), you have to work through them.

This does not mean that energy protection is not needed at all, by no means, however, there is no point in wearing it paranoidly in most everyday cases, just as there is no point in wearing body armor in peacetime (again, everywhere there are nuances and exceptions).

Remember: the world is your reflection, what's inside, then outside, we literally form our reality with every thought and word. The more you are afraid and try to defend yourself, the more the world will give you object lessons on the law of resonance, until you begin to take responsibility for yourself, and not shift it to external forces and circumstances supposedly beyond your control.

Circumstances are not as important as your condition ... Since it is what shapes the circumstances ... (c)


There are many questions about how best to put protection from negativity.

First of all, awareness, versatile knowledge, and control over our own thoughts / emotions protect us from negativity. The consequences of anger are much more painful than its causes!
Not succumbing to negativity, not falling for provocations from outside, we do not allow our energy bodies to weaken and are always under the protection of our guardians, maintaining high vibrations!

Symptoms of sub-plugs / sub-settlements:

Excessive irritability, aggression, lethargy, mental fog, apathy, depression, unwillingness to live, dark thoughts and desires, panic attacks, craving for alcohol and drugs, desire to watch horror films and other films about murders, violence, play appropriate games. A lot of things, but not the fact that this comes from the plugs, some effects can be side effects from taking medications, coffee, moon phases, transition processes, etc. You just need to pay attention to thoughts and block those that you consider irritable / harmful. And systematically!

If you can’t control yourself, realize your mistake when you make it, look at the result, admit to yourself (and your opponent) a mistake, apologize (in person or in absentia) and take a death oath that you will never do this again!

By admitting we were wrong, we do not show weakness, as many people think, but on the contrary - we show strength! The power to accept, understand and change!

Otherwise, the technique is quite simple, everything works on the power of thought, so, first of all, you need to learn visualize everything we ask:

Imagine a bag, a sphere or a pyramid of light (whatever you prefer) around you before going to bed or going out, or even better like this:

The most stable and strong personal protection is a white-silver bag reinforced with a sphere:

We stood up straight, arms / legs shoulder-width apart, you can not close your eyes, the main thing is to speak from the heart and understand what we ask / say

-I am the Spirit, one with the Creator. I ask the Creator, my Higher Self and my Guardians to help me in setting up this protection and strengthening the thought form

We present in front of us a bag of light (like a sleeping bag). Physically we step into it, and with physical hands we put on ourselves- it helps to fix the thought-form. Now, as in the theater - pretending to repeat with the body of the movement - what we say to ourselves:

-I put light protection on my feet (bent down, pulled the bag over my feet)
-Now on your knees
-...on the legs...on the hips...belly...shoulders, hands, fingers, etc.

-I put on the protection of the light on my head, fasten the hood and inhale the light into myself (perform imaginary actions), and thank you all for your help

After putting on the bag, imagine yourself inside the white sphere and calmly go to work...

You can use this protection in all life situations - before going to bed and going out / at train stations, in nightclubs and other crowded places / before an exam or interview at work, when communicating with the state. authorities and other crooks. It can also be placed on others - your family, friends and just passers-by. It also works on obsessive gypsies, but if they still come up and ask you to tell fortunes, ask them to cross them (or child) - how the wind will blow it away!

As strange as it sounds, it also works for technology - cars, computers, phones and more. Try it the next time the connection is bad or the car won't start - just put the sphere on the phone or motor and then try again (it's not torture)!

The more clearly you create this thought form, the better the protection will work. Everything works on the energy of thought, you don’t need to know any spells.
However, if you want to enhance the effect, mentally turn to your guardians and higher self for help during visualization, and also remember this image at any time of the day - this is how you renew, support and strengthen it.

Remember that she not eternal and you are responsible for its daily maintenance! It is best to put it 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, but you can also 3-4 times (it's like brushing your teeth - everyone does it in their own way), as well as remember it and feed it with the energy of thought in any circumstances that allow (metro, cafe, shower, etc.)


In order to develop intuition, try to use it!
For example, to predict small events in everyday life - where the car will turn on the street, what number it will have, who the new acquaintance works for, what is for lunch today, what is the name of the new director, and so on. Just listen to the first thoughts that come to mind!
It is not at all necessary that everything will turn out right away, but, over time, you will learn to listen to your inner voice and everyday predictions will become more and more accessible!

Cleansing the space (room), yourself, and installing protection:

Stand in the middle of the room and imagine a ray of light coming from the Creator. You can imagine the sun, a lamp, or just a flashlight or a candle, whichever is more convenient.

Say out loud or mentally, visually imagining everything that we do:

I am the Spirit, one with the Creator
I ask the Creator, my Higher Self and my Guardians to help me strengthen the following thought forms.
I'm going to clear this room and myself of all negative energies.
I set up a large sphere of light in the middle of this room ( in this case, the sphere acts as a portal)
A beam of light rises from the sphere directly to the Creator.
I also put 4 small spheres in each corner of this room.
I ask all entities to leave my room hands to "drive" all entities to the center from the corners)
I watch how all the negative energies in this room are attracted to the central sphere and immediately rise to the Creator to continue their own evolution.
I myself / myself step inside the sphere and ask all entities to leave my bodies (we take a step forward into the sphere)
I also ask to lead a beam of light through me from the Creator to the Earth, and from the Earth (through me) to the Creator ( imagine 2 beams: one goes through the top of the head to the legs, the other - vice versa)
As soon as the rays pass through me, threads, rivers, sources of energy will begin to separate from them, burning all the connections I do not need, and sending them through the sphere to the Creator.
I ask my guardians to help me with this correction, and also to install a protective sphere / bag of light around me ( as described above)
I send an impulse of light from my soul and fix the result of today's purification by the energy of the Creator.

After a certain time such SINCERE daily clearings/requests, there will be peals of energy, goosebumps/shivering, much like when listening to deep soulful music, first on the wrists/legs, then on the back/blades (each individually).
These are signals that you are heard from above and answered. Rumbles of energy are an affirmative response, and their absence is a negative/neutral

Inquiries and appeals to the custodians:

Stand up to your full height, feet shoulder-width apart, eyes closed, hands hanging palms forward. Imagine a beam of light from above. Say out loud or mentally, visually imagining everything we do:

I am a spirit, one with the Creator
I call upon my guardians, the higher Self, the Creator and all beings of light that hear me, help me develop and establish protection (representing the protection sphere) here and now
I flood myself with light (imagine rays) and project light from my heart onto all beings, embodied or not.
I expand my field of consciousness, open myself to the light - every muscle, every cell, every DNA molecule. for the highest good in the most favorable way
I ask for energy, courage, strength, good luck, inspiration (further down the personal list) and protection, and thank you all for your support

You can add: After the mission on Earth, I want to return to my Source as soon as possible and already now I manifest this intention)
(you can designate a bow, not necessarily to the knees;)


Yes, it's possible for everyone!
For example, I whitened my teeth a year ago, without expecting it myself. I just thought for a long time how to do it, who to contact, how much it will cost, and so on. and one fine day just woke up with white teeth. and tse was not a glitch, parents noticed it on the same day, as did friends. no one believed me, and I myself am also not very good, if Chess, but the fact remains ... indisputable (and yes, I checked this at the sessions later, everything was confirmed - the Wishlist worked, no more, no less!))
I treat my headaches and toothaches in 30 seconds, although they almost never happen. Haven't tried others yet.

EVERYTHING is a matter of faith, and not some transcendent superhuman abilities! well, you need a little time to set yourself up in a new way ...

How much do YOU ​​want to achieve results, and not wait for it from "medicine"?
Can YOU overcome your dogma and disbelief and just keep trying until it works?

So, we put up protection, we put a ray of light from the Creator on ourselves, we ask the guardians and the Higher Self to strengthen the created thought forms, we VISUALIZE all actions.
After that, we imagine (it is better to close our eyes) that the light comes from the heart, goes straight out of the hands, and we simply direct it (the light) with our hands to the diseased areas.
Apply (massage) and clean, apply and clean, apply and clean, pronouncing everything in YOUR text, clear and simple, WITHOUT magical lotions)

For example:
"pain goes away" = visualize the dissolution of pain points, reinforce with the installation: "pain goes away, pain dissolves, there is only light!"
"we clean the blood, the pollution dissolves" = we visualize the dissolution of dark dots in red blood
"fill with light" = visualize sore spots flooded with light

not necessarily everything will immediately be like a wave of a magic wand, but the sooner you start, the more ... well, you understand))


Today it is very important to clear your karmic knots with other people, especially with those with whom you have a negative connection/experience.
It helps you move forward in life and breaks the web of karma. Thus, the influence of these people is minimized. With this correction, really from the heart ask for what is described below, and not just say so, otherwise there will be no effect.

We imagine a person who has negligence on us. influence.
We present a contract with him (you can take a piece of paper and write on it all the pranks point by point, for clarity)
We say:
Maryivanna, I ask your forgiveness for all the evil that I could (la) cause you, including ... (further on the list of pranks)
I also forgive you and myself unconditionally, wish you all the best, and break our contract (mentally break and throw away the contract).

Energy purification of food :

Q: As for clean food in general, you can't find it during the day with fire. How can you comment on this? What is better to eat?

A: Grow it yourself, and try to fertilize the land with natural ingredients.

Q: This is understandable, but you understand that urban residents do not have such an opportunity. What would you advise them to eat in this case?

A: Then you need to carry out energy purification of food. Neutralization. To purify with a beam or a combination of rays, as it is convenient for anyone to visualize, You can mentally pass food through a certain energy wall. If it is meat, then in this way it will at least be cleansed of the negative energy of animals, which at the time of death released all this negativity. Adrenaline is not subject to complete purification, but energy is purified. The same goes for fruits and vegetables. You have to imagine that you are washing them with a stream of light - gold, silver or green. Visualize that the stream of light is water and you wash your food with it. before eating.

Q: What does green mean?

A: I love this color. For me, it is a pain reliever.

BEFORE SLEEP, MEDITATION AND HYPNOSIS SESSIONS: "my will and mind are inviolable. No one has the right to connect to my astral-mental plane without my consent "

ALL of the above can be combined and spoken in any form, no need to memorize.
The main thing is to UNDERSTAND what we ask and do, and BELIEVE in the power of our thought forms.
If you do this every day, then usually within a couple of weeks / month, peals of energy (pleasant goosebumps) appear in the neck / shoulders, and maybe arms / legs. This is a type of affirmation - they hear you, confirm :)

You can also add this:

"All who are involved in this program, immediately become a correction. Take away all your destructive programs, return my potential (and all people with similar programs). All the dead, accept help in the complete correction of your Event Field and leave for your next incarnations"

It often happens that they leave their pieces (energy is like glue, you can’t clean everything at once), so usually 2-3 sessions are needed for a complete cleaning.


After the essence has left, you ask your guardian / higher self to flood you with light in those places where holes have formed in the aura.

More good techniques and ideas :

Swipe your hand over your head. You should feel warm or cold. If there is a sensation, then you have a channel, let's call it a "channel of communication with the Higher Forces." With the help of this channel, you can clean as you do, fill yourself with energy. The most important thing is to learn to visualize. You must be sure that you are under the protection of the Higher powers. "lucky" to meet a person who understands these matters, then he will easily remove this protection from you in a couple of seconds.

Here aggression arose, we look at it all from the position of an outside observer from the third position, we see where the aggression comes from, the reason why it arose and why and what it wants (pursues). Understanding these processes will allow you to manage them, and not vice versa.

Being on the wave of Love, remember the very first unpleasant, painful incident that happened to you in the most recent past. Enter this space-time and live everything that happens: first, as it was; then again, in the version that suits you best. Feel how the Love that fills you fills with life everything that happens in the past. Do not forget that everything that happens is absolutely real! There is not a single situation in the Multiversum, at least not one that you can think of, that has not been realized. Therefore, that successful outcome, that version of events that you allegedly invented - no matter how unlikely it may be! - no less reliable than what happened "in fact".
However, in the beginning it is better if you “think up” something that is most plausible from your point of view. It will be easier for you at first. The ordinary consciousness is still too inert and is in no hurry to agree with miracles...

If you started the Practice well prepared, then after a certain number of runs of the incident, you will begin to feel its full reality, and then more and more lightness, even euphoria. Perhaps at some point you will hear something like a pop, or you will see a flash of light, or you will feel a quite perceptible bodily push. This will mean that the Practice ended successfully. A "hole" has formed in the event bubble - you have made a passage between the worlds. You have come into contact with yourself - with one of the many selves.

Be sure to read:


The issue of energy protection against various dangers will never lose its relevance. Still, security is one of the basic needs of a human being and you want to protect yourself immediately and from everything. As a result of this interest, there is a mass of topics, articles and materials devoted to various ways of building energy protection. Let's figure out which protection is better and how it works in general.

You should probably start with what protections are in general. Firstly, protection can be built at the expense of personal energy and the intention of the person himself. This is the usual bioenergetic protection available to absolutely anyone. Secondly, protection can be created with . Most practices and techniques for working with external energies, such as Reiki, KEN, runes, etc., suggest the possibility and special, characteristic technique for creating energy protection. Well, Thirdly, protection can be any . This method is used by magicians, both for their own protection and for the protection of their clients.

Most often, when it comes to energy protection, they talk and talk about protection. first type: bioenergy. An example of such protection is the simplest construction of a brick wall, the visualization of a waterfall, or the construction of a complex protective "suit". Also, bioenergetic protections include wearing various protective talismans bought in a store or made with your own hands and protection with the help of complex “magic rituals” read in a smart book. Despite the variety of forms, the effectiveness of such protection is approximately the same and, frankly, not too high. In fact, any such protection is just some thickening and thickening of the outer shell of the cocoon (energy body) of a person. A person with such protection is perceived a little more separated, "closed" from other people and the external energy environment. Not bad, but no more.

A big plus of such protection is that its construction does not cause any difficulties. Here you don’t even need to go to a super-duper webinar)). This is the situation when an article on the Internet and a few hours of practice (well, maybe a few days) will be enough to master the technique. Just a couple of days - and you will have your own protection that can protect you from some small energy "dirt" that periodically arrives from outside, small energy strikes from ordinary people and other unpleasant little things.

By cons, I would include the "limited" protection of this type. This kind of design is designed specifically for "small things" and is simply not able to stop a more or less serious impact. Even the most primitive corruption, created by a knowledgeable person, passes through such a barrier “at once”. Trying to use bioenergetic protection to stop a serious impact is like protecting yourself from flying stones with a panama hat. Panama is, of course, good protection, but it is designed for the sun's rays, and not for stones at all, at least a helmet is needed from stones.

Moreover, it will not be possible to significantly improve and in any way "increase" the power of bioenergetic protection. There is no growth potential there. Such protection is built, maintained and fueled solely by the energy of the owner, and this energy, as you know, is not endless. Any attempts to “strengthen” bioenergy protection will only lead to the fact that more and more energy will be spent on it, which is necessary for life and the implementation of various goals. In the end, a person can get serious problems not as a result of some kind of influence or “strike” from the outside, but simply because there is no energy left to maintain life and achieve goals - all was spent on building and nourishing protection. The effectiveness of the protection itself against such actions will improve very, very slightly. Well, you had a two-layer panama hat, it will become a three-layer one - it’s good, but it still won’t save you from stone strikes.

But with a real threat, protection can quite cope second type, created by a person practicing work with various external energies. External, cosmic energy is virtually limitless like the ocean. This means that protection based on it is not limited by the energy potential of a person. What happens in this case? A person is enveloped in cosmic energy, which has a high density and immunity to human influence - and it becomes much more difficult to harm him. Can do it only a specialist who has appropriate initiations in the energy of the Cosmos. To put up a defense of the second type, imagination alone is not enough. It would seem that here it is - happiness and security. But even here there are nuances.

The reliability and effectiveness of the protection built with the help of various techniques and practices of working with external energy largely depends on the personal strength, power and strength of the energy of the psychic who created this very protection. This, of course, is not bioenergetic protection and is not fed exclusively by human energy directly, but still the amount of energy that a practitioner is able to invest in protection directly depends on him - the amount of energy that he is able to control. It is theoretically that every initiate has a whole ocean of external energies at hand, but in practice everyone manages to manage only some part of this ocean, in proportion to their personal strength and level of energy. Therefore, the quality of protection of this kind varies. From the creation of a “green” novice cosmoenergy, comparable in efficiency to the bioenergetic one, to a very, very powerful and effective protection that can withstand more than a serious impact, behind which stands an experienced Master. Protection from the energies of the Universe is potentially many times stronger and better than the protection of the first type and, with proper skill, provides almost one hundred percent energy security from medium-level threats. Continuing the panama analogy, the second type of protection is something like a strong armored helmet.

With regard to protection third type, which is provided by the magician with the help of an ally, then here the effectiveness depends not so much on the technique / tradition / practice within which this or that protection was performed, but on the level of energy and skill of the one who performed this very protection. The stronger the magician - the more powerful ally he has, the better protection he can provide. Usually such protection with the help of an amulet or a conspiracy is much stronger and more effective than the protection created through various practices of working with external energies. A protective amulet or a spell created by a strong magician is like a very reliable bulletproof vest, with which not only stones are not scary, but it is also not scary to stick out under bullets. A person is followed by a strong Spirit - a rational being that reacts flexibly to everything that happens and can seriously influence the situation in real time. Solely for the safety of the client, of course. Such protection is the most effective, but at the same time the most difficult to implement and, of course, the most expensive.

What can you advise to those who would like to protect themselves from any outside influences? Ideally, of course, go learn and master some extrasensory techniques and practices in order to have at your disposal at least a “helmet” that can protect you from more or less serious impact. But if there is no desire to learn, well, then bioenergetic protection is better than none at all. For those who want to use bioenergetic protection, for example, the violet flame method is suitable.

To build the first type of defense, stand up straight, relax, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths in and out. Imagine that an abyss is unfolding beneath you, filled with a raging violet flame, a powerful energy that no one and nothing can overcome. "Pull up" from the abyss three, five or seven flames, and let them envelop you with infinitely powerful energy. Visualize the violet flames beginning to swirl clockwise around you at a distance of about twenty centimeters from your body. Intertwined with each other, they form an infinitely strong and reliable cocoon, a protective cocoon. When the violet flames rise to just above your head, imagine how they are intertwined, form a strong dome above your head and go into endless space in a single beam. It is necessary to install such protection 5 days in a row, 5-10 minutes a day, and adjust it no more than once a week. In the event of a collision with a large amount of energy "dirt" emanating, for example, from an unpleasant person, it will be enough just to "remember" the protection put in place, "seeing" it in its finished form. This simple and effective technique will help you quickly condense energy and increase your security.

And, of course, regardless of whether you use protection of the first or second type, it can and should be supplemented with outside help - in the form of an amulet from a good magician, for example. Your own protection and confidence in your own invincibility is, of course, good, but with an amulet it is an order of magnitude more reliable, and a careful one, as they say ...

Anticipating questions: yes, I know a good magician. Yes, I wear her amulet myself. Contact me in a personal in social networks or in any other way - I will prompt.

To our great regret, we are surrounded not only by friends, but also by enemies. Therefore, we must know how to put protection from the evil eye and damage ourselves.

If we can fight the evil of others on our own, then in this way we will protect not only ourselves, but also our loved ones, dear people. Also, you do not have to turn to healers and magicians, keeping secret from strangers that you performed some kind of ceremony.

Energy protection - this is not a myth or fiction, but a real need for so many people. Analyze for yourself why some people are incredibly vulnerable to any negative influences, aggressive emotional attacks in their direction, while others are absolutely invulnerable, and how much you don’t kick them like peas against a wall. Some people get a little nervous, quarrel with someone and immediately start to get sick, while others are calm and strong, and all the negative energy from them is like water off a duck's back. Some constantly complain that they have once again been jinxed, damaged, etc., while others live for themselves and rejoice, and nothing negative sticks to them at all.

Of course, a lot depends on the person himself, on his strength of mind, goodwill, calmness, on such qualities as self-confidence, invulnerability, the ability to control one’s emotions and state, to be calm and invulnerable in any situation and others. But the training of personal qualities is a separate and very large topic, it is a process of purposeful development and many years of work on oneself. And not everyone is able to change themselves by forming new personal qualities, but you need to be able to protect your loved ones, for example, your own children, here and now. That is why there are prayers, conspiracies, rituals, amulets and talismans for energy protection and help if you have already received an energy “hit”.

We have already written more than once about the signs of the evil eye and damage (they are also destructive energy), but we will briefly recall again. So:

Signs of corruption and evil eye

Signs of negativity cannot go unnoticed both for the victim herself and for the people around her. These may be:

  • prolonged apathy, melancholy, depression - a condition that was previously not characteristic of this person
  • decline in business, career, business, creativity
  • the presence of negative emotions - irritability, anger, aggression
  • a sharp deterioration in health, loss of strength, a surge in various diseases
  • the sudden appearance of addictions - smoking, alcohol, drugs ...

There may be other signs indicating the presence of damage, they all indicate negative changes in the life and behavior of this person. And if you do not take action, the situation will worsen, destroying all areas of human life.

Protection from damage and negativity on your own

For self-protection against damage and the evil eye, use the power of 4 elements. Air, fire, water, and earth are the main forces that govern the physical world.

Air. Use the power of this element in breathing practice: in a quiet, calm environment, sit comfortably, relax and close your eyes. Feel the air, try to feel its soft power. Inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Concentrate on the exhale. Feel that with each exhalation, heaviness, fatigue, negativity come out of you and liberation comes. A few minutes a day of this practice, and you will feel relief.

Fire. The power of this element will definitely help you. The essence of fire is heat and light. Corruption, evil eye, curse - this is darkness. Light dispels darkness. The presence of living fire will help you get rid of negativity. Look at the fire as often as possible - dine by candlelight, sit by the fire or by the fireplace and your inner strength will be able to stop damage and the evil eye.

Water. We use this element every day, but most often, we do it unconsciously. Start with the simplest - when you wash your face or drink water, turn to water, say something good, positive to it, ask it to cleanse you. And when you wash your face, or when you stand in the shower, feel that everything negative is washed away from you.

Earth. The strength of this element is also very important. If possible, walk barefoot on the ground, address the ground in your own words, and also ask her to pick up the negative. And you will feel that it helps.

All this is especially true now, in spring time.

During the long winter, not only the body and the human immune system are significantly weakened. but also energy protection. And this is a great opportunity for evil forces to send damage, evil eye, curses.

Protection from negativity with salt

This is the most affordable and easiest method of energy protection. Salt has long been considered a powerful magical attribute against the evil eye and damage. As our ancestors believed, ill-wishers cannot bypass the protective barrier, and all their dark plans remain in a handful of salt. It has long been believed that salt is the best protection against negativity that can be in the house. There is a belief that after the guest, our ancestors checked the salt amulet, and if it changed its color from white to grayish or yellow, then the guest had black intentions about the host family.

To protect yourself from them, on any day in late winter - early spring, from noon to sunset, place 8 candles of any color on the floor in the form of a circle. In the middle put your photo, which shows you alone.

Place a glass of water on the picture, and pour salt around it. Then light the incense and, moving it over the glass and the photograph, say out loud 3 times the conspiracy:

“The column of salt around me grows, the column of water protects me, the column of fire saves me from witchcraft, the column of air protects me from enemies.”

After that, extinguish the candles and incense and put them away until the next use. Drink water from a glass, but throw salt at any intersection over your left shoulder.

If you are used to using a special coat, then it's time to change this habit. Salt should be open and stand in the center of the dining table. Thus, when guests come to you, the negative emanating from them will be immediately extinguished. Salt also tends to send bad thoughts back, towards the addressee, which will be a fair retribution for the envious.


Since ancient times, our ancestors hid salt at the threshold under the path. Thus, salt will take on all the negativity that enters the house. It is worth monitoring its color, when it changes to dark, the salt should be replaced with a new one.

Sleep is the most dangerous period for the influence of negativity. A sleeping person is absolutely defenseless against energy vibrations, so a lot of damage and curses are sent at this time of day. To avoid this and keep your sleep peaceful, you need to put a glass of water with three pinches of salt at the head of the bed every night. It is very important not to stir it.

Protection from negativity with a conspiracy

A conspiracy is the best protection against negativity for all occasions, because this is the favorite way of our ancestors, who had their own unique conspiracy for any trouble or request. The main advantage of the power of the word over other magical attributes is the power and range of its impact. Your house will be cleansed not only of the negative influence of envious people, but also of evil spirits, which, if any, feed on your life energy and tensions in the family. Next, you will get acquainted with three conspiracies from negativity:

When you see off guests, mentally say to them in the back:

“What you bring, you take away. Fire on the left, water on the right. You will take water to please you, but if you wished for fire, let it burn you to ashes.

It is worth understanding that you are not the only owner in your house. You have a reliable assistant who can help you cleanse your home of negativity. The following conspiracy is addressed to a request to the brownie:

“Grandfather-old man, you lived a century, served rituals. So we ask you strongly, serve for the family hearth. As dry leaves burn in the fire, so let the alien's negativity recede. This is your home, drive away trouble with your sleeve.


Protective talismans and amulets against damage and the evil eye

For protection, it is possible to speak various things, and carry them with you everywhere. Now we will consider what exactly can be used to protect against someone else's negativity.

From Salt

This mineral absorbs negative energy, thus protecting you from it. For protection, it is best to use salt consecrated in the church and sew a small bag where it will be stored. Take a pinch of salt in your hand and read the plot over it:

“Salt-salt, guard from any grief, listen to me, keeping from damage. Protect and take away from hatred and misfortune!

After that, pour it into a bag and always carry it with you, in your pocket or bag. Do not tell anyone that you have made yourself an amulet.

Safety pin

In order to use this attribute to make yourself an amulet, you need to buy a new pin and a wax church candle. Wait until the moon begins to grow, and in the evening read the prayer “Our Father” three times at home, then light a candle from a match. Open the pin, hold one end of it in the flame and read the following plot three times:

“As fire burns this iron, So will the evil of my enemies burn! As this iron pricks fire, So will prick the malicious glances of envious people!

After that, hook the pin onto your T-shirt or sweater, from the inside out with the sharp end down.

steel needle

You can protect yourself, and your home from someone else's negativity, using an ordinary needle. Take two needles, cross them and stick them over the door to your home. The metal will take on all the negativity and thus protect you and your loved ones.

Turkish eye

With the help of this stone, you can make yourself a protective amulet-amulet. This stone can be hung in front of the entrance to the house, or worn as decoration. He will protect you from evil intentions and harm.

Motanka doll

This ancient Slavic amulet can be made with your own hands, so you will transfer your energy to it, and it will protect you from negativity. For the manufacture you need a piece of linen fabric. Take the matter in the center, hold it in your hand and tie it with a thread. So you get the head and torso. Fill the doll's head with dried grass. In the manufacture of the amulet, you can not use piercing and cutting objects, you need to do everything with your bare hands. The doll does not have a face, it cannot be made because evil spirits can penetrate into the amulet through it. You can hang the amulet over the front door, a crib, or keep it with you. You can decorate the doll as you wish.

God's eye amulet

To make it, you need to use two branches and wrap them with woolen threads of different colors. Branches must be chosen specifically for the one to whom this amulet is made. If for a woman, then you need to take branches from alder, bird cherry or birch, if for a man, then from maple, ash or poplar.

amulet stones

As a talisman, you can use various stones that you need to carry with you. For these purposes, you can use the following stones:

Tiger's Eye;
cat eye.

But you can’t wear the stone that you just liked as a talisman. It must be specially selected according to your zodiac sign. Ask a specialist for help, and he will select the necessary mineral for you.

Protection from negativity with a red thread

The red thread is a very popular and effective amulet used by millions of people around the world. What is this attribute? This is a charm that protects you all the time while you wear it. How to wear a red thread and where you can buy it, you can find out in the list below:

  • The red thread must be worn on the left wrist.
  • The red thread should ideally be a gift from a loved one. Some prefer to speak it before putting it on.
  • The red thread is never removed, and if it is torn or lost, this can be regarded as a sign that it has turned some trouble away from you and taken it upon itself.
  • For young girls, it is better if the mother ties the red thread. Thus, her defense will be doubled.
  • Also, the red thread can be used as your lucky amulet that brings you good luck. The main thing at the moment when you knit a thread for yourself is to mentally endow it with such abilities.

The purpose of the red thread in different religions is the same, it brings good luck and saves from the evil eye, negative energy and trouble. But an important condition for people is not just to tie a thread on their hand, it is necessary to read a prayer when tying a red thread.

Red thread for success (video)

In general, attributes of different colors are used. Each colored thread is responsible for the normalization of certain processes. But if you decide to speak exactly the red woolen thread (having initially decided what it means) and thereby protect yourself from negative attacks from the outside, then before putting it on, speak the future amulet. This can be done with the help of such a prayer, which must be said when tying a red thread:

Have mercy on me (name), Lord, and save, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, father, savior of the world Jesus Christ, all saints. Lord, bless, have mercy and save, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If spoilage was diagnosed, then a small talisman will be able to clear it of it. To do this, tying a thread on yourself, you need to whisper:

The servant of God (name) is healed, theologising, from the Holy Spirit, the seal of the Cross, the Hand of the Savior, the Mother of God. The cross is above me, the cross is in front of me, be you, the enemy, damned, driven through the earth into obscene pits, empty failures. In the name of the Lord, the life-giving cross, the father of what is happening. I ask for mercy. Amen.

When tying a thread to your child, you can say this prayer:

Protection from negativity with a mirror

The mirror has always had some kind of magical and mysterious property. The mass of ancient rituals, one way or another, is connected with a mirror or water, where our ancestors were looking for their reflection. The mirror to this day remains the strongest magical attribute that can serve us for the future:

One of the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of negativity is to carry a pocket mirror in your pocket. Thus, your interlocutor will reflect all the negativity that he mentally sends you. The mirror should have a round shape, because. it is this figure that has a lot of identifications with the sun in the writings of our ancestors. The circle has always been a rather mystical figure that symbolized rebirth.

Another protection that will surely help you from damage and the evil eye is of a ritual nature. To perform this ceremony you will need: a photograph, two mirrors and a blue thread. Put your photo, and opposite two mirrors so that they do not meet each other in the reflection. Give the mirrors time to take over your image, this should not take more than an hour.

Then take a photo and cover one mirror with it, when you are sure that it does not reflect anything, on the other side of the photo, attach another mirror. Thus, your photo will be in the middle. Now take the blue thread and tie the mirrors crosswise.


Just as no one has ever seen the soul of a person, so no one knows what his aura really looks like. In the world, of course, there are masters who are able to look beyond the material, but meetings with them are quite rare. How to determine that a person's aura is pierced by negative influences?

In this article

Breakdown signs

The first sign breakdown of the human subtle body can be considered fatigue. If you get enough sleep, eat right and lead an active life, but there is still not enough energy, then perhaps your biofield has holes and breakdowns through which precious energy leaks.

Second sign can be attributed to sudden troubles that have fallen on a person. If you are fatally unlucky in literally everything, and life is like an obstacle course, then you should think about the integrity of your energy. This also includes the minimum result with a large amount of effort expended. It happens that a person does a lot to achieve the goal, but cannot get what he wants.

To the third sign refer to more severe conditions. For example, obsessive thoughts that may arise in the head, unreasonable aggression, inappropriate behavior, jumps in body temperature, which medicine cannot explain. Here we are not talking about a simple hole in the energy sector, but about the presence of a population of energy entities.

From the evil eye

A simple evil eye a person can survive without great consequences. Since the body has the ability to recover.

Very powerful and effective cleansing on a subtle plane:

If the blow has passed, but the breakdowns in the biofield remain, you can imagine an aura around you in the form of a cocoon and mentally close up the holes with your palms.

From spoilage

Real damage often comes with its own settler. Without getting rid of the uninvited guest, the negative cannot be removed from the fields of a person.

Just listen to this mantra:

Believers can expel the essence with prayers and mantras, energists - by increasing the level of energy, which is tasteless for the "guest", ordinary people can use ready-made rituals and ceremonies for expulsion.

From the curse

An inflicted curse is considered a severe case. Due to the strong impact, a person may begin to think about suicide or lose the most precious thing in life.

At home, you can perform the following ritual:

First, clear the message from a specialist, and then close the holes in the aura using any of the listed methods.

Protecting your aura from encroachment

When the essence is unhooked from a person, in order not to attract a new negative, you need to cover up the breakdowns in the aura with the help of energy practices, then put protection on your biofield.


Special mantras at all times helped people protect themselves from the evil around them. Mantras are certain sounds that are chanted in sequence and with the correct intonation. These sounds create unique vibrations in space, which can contain both healing and protective properties. To protect the aura, a person can use the following mantras.

life center

Temechka area

Above the crown with the help of golden energy, it is worth working especially. When removing the golden ray from the body, it is necessary to mentally transform it into a halo above the head.

So your energy will be looped until the next exercise.

Delay and throw-in

The exercise begins with a deep breath through the nose. In the process of inhalation, it is necessary to imagine how the halo above the head swells with energy. On exhalation, during the exercise, a fountain of energy is visualized that exits through the mouth. Such energy must certainly envelop the body and restore the aura.

Advice. People who perform such exercises every day become inaccessible to any energy negativity over time, as their aura thickens and strengthens, like muscles during sports.

Seemingly simple, these techniques have a tremendous restorative effect, but only when a person performs them conscientiously and persistently. During meditation and visualization, all attention should be directed to the action that is happening in the head. Do not be distracted by extraneous noises and sounds, so as not to start the exercise again.

Energy vampirism

Not only a negative message or damage can damage a person’s biofield, there are often cases of breakdowns in the aura due to attacks by energy vampires.

Energetic vampire- this is a person who, for some reason, does not know how to take energy from the Universe and from his environment. And in order to replenish life reserves, he brings to the emotions of other people.

Influence on the biofield

Energy vampires often make scandals, insult others, complain a lot, complain about fate. And when their victim begins to feel compassion or get angry, the vampire gets the opportunity to feed on her energy.

Opinion of clinical psychologist Veronika Stepanova:

Sometimes this pumping is quite hard. After an attack, a person may feel like a squeezed lemon. Not all vampires look young and strong, due to lack of energy, older people and small children are vampires.

Protection methods

First way is balance. Of course, when a friend has trouble at work, I want to support her, but it’s better to support by action than to start suffering with her.

Second way is closely related to the above practices. It is not as easy for a vampire to break through a strong and dense biofield as it might seem. In addition, when involved in a negative situation, it is enough to imagine an invisible wall between yourself and the interlocutor. And it will become several times more difficult for him to connect to you.

It works on the same principle protection "Mirror" when a mirror surface is mentally directed at a screaming person so that he is virtually reflected in it. As a rule, the vampire receives a portion of his own negativity and hurries to retreat in order to find a new victim for himself. After all, he was hungry.

In this video, Eugene Green tells how to properly defend against energy vampires:

Today, conventional hygiene extends beyond the physical world. People are increasingly concerned about the purity of the energies that surround them. Even atheists use energy exercises to help keep themselves in good shape. Try and do the same.

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