Air purification device in the apartment. Air purifiers from dust. There are filterless purifiers

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Air purifiers: who needs them?

To provide homes with fresh, clean air in poor environmental conditions of the city, household air purifiers were created. In a short period of time, the developers equipped air purifiers with a huge range of different filters capable of high-quality filtering of air. It seems that if you think about it, is a household air purifier really so necessary for people?

Cities and towns are constantly being landscaped, thousands of trees and shrubs are being planted, and flower beds are being planted. Logically, the atmospheric mixture should be clean. But statistics stubbornly claim that the number of allergy sufferers is growing every year. The reason is not only poplar fluff, but also major contamination - animal hair, dust, viruses, bacteria, unpleasant odors.

Why purify indoor air?

The environment around us, the air we breathe, concrete walls heated by the sun, smog - contain many harmful substances. Their content in the atmospheric mixture is an order of magnitude higher than the permissible standards for normal human existence. Caring about the condition of the air we breathe, the health of children, and maintaining immunity, we strive to protect ourselves and our environment by purchasing a room air purifier. This compact desktop device, which is very inexpensive, will help you avoid many health problems.

Everyone knows that near highways and residential buildings the level of pollution with nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide exceeds its norms by 10-15 times. The atmospheric gas that surrounds us contains an incredible amount of harmful substances. Their large list includes skin scales and hairs, particles of ordinary dust, fungal spores, eggs and dust mite particles. A home air purifier can be useful in literally every apartment.

Without thinking, people fill their apartments with materials such as MDF, chipboard, various paints and other similar things. Artificial products made from mass-produced waste wood are directly responsible for the smell of “newness” after renovation, because they fill the air with toxic pungent fumes, filtered by an air purifier. If you do not purchase a purification device, then the air in a residential building becomes unsafe for human life, and even more so for allergy sufferers. It's up to you to decide which air purifier to choose, but the fact that it is necessary is obvious.

Offers for air purifiers from the company website

Our online store has a wide range of air purifiers available. Premium and economy class devices from trusted developers are at your service. It is difficult to choose the best brands from them, since all these brands have earned good user reviews:

  • Neoclima,
  • Airfree
  • Ballu,
  • Timberk,
  • Atmos,
  • Daikin,
  • Boneco,
  • Stadler Form,
  • Dyson
  • Faura,
  • Hisense,
  • Hitachi,
  • Termica.

Among them, everyone will be able to choose and buy the most suitable model, especially since many devices have an affordable price wide range consumers. If you live in Moscow, the product will come directly to your home, and a company specialist will install it and tell you how to use this device.


Air purifier prices

One of the main parameters when choosing an air purifier is its performance - it determines how efficiently the device can work in a particular room.

To select a device based on performance, you should calculate the volume of the room (multiply the area by the height of the ceiling) and find a model that “processes” 2-3 times more air per hour - this is considered the best option. Many manufacturers indicate the maximum room area in the specifications; this parameter can be calculated using different formulas and for different types of premises, and therefore it is still advisable to choose a device based on volume, and not on area.

Purifiers can be equipped with various types of filters. It all depends on what contaminants need to be removed from the air:

  • For mechanical cleaning (from wool, fluff, dust, etc.), preliminary, electrostatic, HEPA and NANO filters, as well as hydrofiltration, are used. The first two types retain large and medium-sized particles, HEPA and the hydrofilter are microscopic (the latter also humidifies the air), NANO works at the molecular level.
  • A carbon filter is useful for dealing with chemical contaminants. In this case, it is especially important to change the filter on time - having exhausted its resource, it itself becomes a source of harmful substances. The ideal option is an air purifier with a filter contamination indicator.
  • The UV lamp is designed to eliminate bacteria and viruses. Also, the efficiency of disinfection increases significantly if the purifier has an ozonation function.
  • The photocatalyst combines the functions of all three types and is considered the most advanced to date, however, it costs accordingly.
For maximum efficiency, it is recommended to use several types of filters at once.

Purifiers are available with an automatic switch-on function, which makes the device independent of the user: it turns on itself, detecting contaminants in the air. Such models are as convenient as possible, because... can work unattended (although you still shouldn’t completely forget about the turned on purifier).

For constant use in apartments or other premises, air purifiers powered by a 220 V network are best suited. Battery or accumulator power is recommended when independence from outlets is needed (for example, when installed in a refrigerator). For cars and buses, models are available with 12 V power from the cigarette lighter socket.

Some air purifiers can not only filter the air, but also saturate it with negative ions that have a beneficial effect on health (ionizer) or pleasant aromas (aromatizer).

If there are small children in the apartment, you should choose a device with a child lock feature.

In modern environmental conditions, it becomes impossible to ventilate a room using an open window, since the risk of penetration of carcinogenic compounds with street air significantly exceeds the expected benefits of ventilation.

And in a large metropolis the streets are so dusty that opening windows is simply unreasonable.

To overcome this impasse, an air purifier for the home was created.

Until now, many people are skeptical about this unique invention, trying to understand whether it is harmful to health. So what are home air purifiers, and which one is better to choose?

The principle of operation of the air purifier is the circular circulation of air - from the external environment through the purifier to the outside. The room is cleaned using built-in filters. The home air environment is characterized by the presence of carcinogenic substances (formaldehyde, benzene, nitrogen dioxide), mold, fungi, bacteria and dust impurities.

When the air flow passes through the air purifier, the harmful microparticles it contains are deposited on the filter of the device.

The biggest concern among people is the electrostatic air purifier. It converts oxygen into ozone, which in large quantities is hazardous to human health. However, manufacturers produce devices with low ozone emissions, which is absolutely safe. It should be remembered when choosing an air purifier, benefits and harms are distributed in a ratio of 95 to 5%. In general, air purifiers are not harmful to people.

Main types

All air purifiers are classified by filtration type:

  • mechanical;
  • ionic or electrostatic;
  • photocatalytic;
  • combined.

Mechanical air purifiers contain HEPA air filters and carbon filters. They perfectly purify the air from house and construction dust, cope a little worse with bacteria and allergens, but are ineffective against viruses and gaseous compounds. You can make such an air purifier with your own hands, using filters and a fan.

An ionic air purifier (electrostatic) operates using an electrode that charges neutral air particles and attracts them to itself. It copes well with allergens, dust mites, viruses and bacteria, but is not able to clean the room from toxic gases. In addition, the air purifier ionizer fills the room with freshness.

An air purifier with a photocatalytic filter purifies the air in the home using UV radiation. It is effective against any microorganisms, allergens, toxic gases, but is not able to cope with organic impurities.

A cleaner with a UV lamp completely kills all microorganisms and literally sterilizes the room.

Combined purifiers are characterized by a multi-stage cleaning system and include all of the above filters. With the help of these devices, the air is simultaneously disinfected, cleaned of organic impurities and ionized.

How to choose

When choosing an air purifier the following factors must be taken into account:

  1. Room area. All devices have a different range of action: from 10 m2 to 150 m2. It is especially important to consider the area when choosing a device that contains an ionizer purifier, since the ozone concentration it emits is calculated for a certain range of action.
  2. Noise level. Devices with mechanical cleaning are characterized by noise during operation, this is due to the action of the built-in fan. The quietest option is an ionic purifier.
  3. Dust content. With the greatest accumulation of dust and organic impurities (animal hair), it is more advisable to choose an option with mechanical or ionic cleaning.
  4. Allergic reactions. Purifiers with ionic and photocatalytic filters do an excellent job of removing any household allergens (dust mites, plant pollen). However, if the allergy is caused by animal hair, then the best assistant in this matter is a HEPA filter.
  5. Smoke and smells. Coping with tobacco smoke and unpleasant odors Devices with an ionizer and carbon filtration will help.
  6. Disinfection. Maximum air disinfection is achieved by using a UV lamp.

As a rule, the device is turned on daily for several hours or left overnight. Some devices are equipped with an air control function and operate according to the air atmosphere.

Electrostatic and photocatalytic purifiers do not require filter replacement, unlike mechanical ones. Therefore, before choosing an air purifier for your home, you need to decide on the frequency of its use.

Air purifiers for home: top 10

The table shows the most popular models of air purifiers, according to customer reviews.

Rating Name Characteristics (filters, coverage area) Cost, rub)
1 AIC XJ-3800A1 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S= 60 m 2 16.000
2 Daikin MC707VM Pre-cleaning, electrostatic, ionization. S = 42 m2 50.000
3 Redmond RAC-3704 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S = 46 m2 24.000
4 AIC KJF-20B06 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S = 40 m2 11.000
5 Boneco P2261 HEPA filter, carbon, ionization. S= 60 m 2 2.000
6 Bork A800 (AP RIH 9935) HEPA filter, carbon. S = 38 m2 40.000
7 Mitsubishi Electric MA-E83H-R1 HEPA filter, carbon. S = 63 m2 35.000
8 Shivaki SHAP-3010 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S = 25 m2 14.500
9 Atmos Maxi photocatalytic, carbon, pre-treatment, ionization. S = 30 m2 14.000
10 Philips AC 40144.5 HEPA filter, carbon. S = 55 m2 30.000

Filters in air purifiers

The following types of filters are used in air purifiers:

  1. Pre-cleaning. Conventional mesh filters, which are used at the first stage of cleaning, trap large particles of dust and animal hair.
  2. HEPA filters. They are an accordion assembled on both sides with micro-holes. They cope with mold and fungi spores, animal hair, and dust mites.
  3. Coal. Fights dust and absorbs odors using activated carbon.
  4. Electrostatic (ionic).They work on the principle of ionization, provide a high degree of purification, and cope with microorganisms.
  5. Photocatalytic. Purify the air using UV radiation. They completely disinfect the room from pathogenic bacteria and carcinogenic substances.

Air purifier operating instructions

The air purifier should be installed in areas where dust accumulates the most to operate effectively.

The device should not be adjacent to the wall, but located at a distance of at least 10 cm from it. For the purifier to work, you must plug it into the network and set the cleaning mode in accordance with the instructions.

Almost all modern models have electronic control and filter replacement indicators. The device's replacement filters must be replaced every 2 months. The ionizer plates should be wiped with a damp cloth at least once a week.

An air purifier for the home is a useful thing, cleaning the air space as much as possible. When choosing a device, you should take into account the area of ​​the room and its pollution factors.

The best option is a combined air purifier from dust, carcinogens, allergens and bacteria, which includes a multi-stage cleaning system.

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