Picture goalkeeper description according to plan. An essay based on the painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper. Who is the main character in the picture?

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One of the most popular works of the artist Sergei Grigoriev - picture "Goalkeeper", which is now located in the Tretyakov Gallery. It was written in 1949, only four years have passed since the Great Patriotic War.

By this time, the country had not yet recovered from devastation, the standard of living of most people was low, but peaceful life was filled with hope and optimism. The painting “Goalkeeper” tells us about this. It is dedicated to children's passion for football, but at the same time conveys the atmosphere of that time, difficult and at the same time happy.

Football was the main love of the boys of those years, their greatest hobby. Football was played in courtyards, in parks, and simply in vacant lots, as depicted in the painting “Goalkeeper.” The main character of the picture is the boy standing at the gate. Although the artist did not place it in the center, all the emotional load of the picture goes to him. The goalkeeper stands in a tense position, it seems that the outcome of the match will depend on his quickness and dexterity. It is clear from the boy that the role of a goalkeeper is familiar to him, he is a good and reliable goalkeeper.

There are no gates, they are “represented” by two briefcases located where the barbells should be. This suggests that the children did not go home after school, but moved to the wasteland. The uncomfortable surface of the field, which occupies the foreground of the picture, does not confuse the players. In those years, few people were lucky enough to play on good green fields. We don’t see how the events unfold on the playing field; the artist specially took this action beyond the scope of the picture. Only by the goalkeeper's pose and the expression on the spectators' faces can we guess that the players of both teams have to fight for victory; it will not be given just like that.

But look how many spectators the match attracted - the game is enthusiastically followed by those who were not included in the team due to their age. They settled down either on a fallen tree or on a stack of boards. An adult spectator, perhaps a random passer-by, also joined the children. A guy in a red suit stands behind the goalkeeper, he is not yet accepted into the team, but he would really like to play, his whole appearance speaks of it. And only the dog, curled up in a white ball at the feet of one of the spectators, is indifferent to the game.

The events depicted in the picture take place on a bright, fine day in early autumn, the distance is clearly visible. In the background we see construction sites: high-rise buildings are being erected, which will soon become symbols of Moscow. This construction landscape adds optimism to the overall mood of the picture.

Essay on the painting “Goalkeeper”

The painting “Goalkeeper” was painted by the Soviet Ukrainian artist S. A. Grigoriev in 1949, for which he received the Stalin Prize in 1950, along with his other painting “Admission to the Komsomol.

The characters in many of the artist’s paintings are children, and “Goalkeeper” is considered one of his best paintings about children. In the picture we see children playing football in the schoolyard. The time of action is most likely early autumn, late September, early October. This can be judged by the dark sky and yellow leaves on the trees, but it is still quite warm, judging by the children’s clothes, the beginning of the school year. The football field, of course, is the simplest, as usual, the boundaries of the field are the bags of the guys.

The main character of the picture is a goalkeeper, a lanky and fair boy, he is about 12 years old. All his clothes are like a real goalkeeper. He is wearing a sports shirt, old worn shorts, sneakers on his feet, and leather gloves on his hands. Like a real goalkeeper, his knee is bandaged to prevent injuries when falling after the ball. The boy stands in a tense position, his legs are apart, his hands are resting on his knee, he is ready at any moment to either parry a blow or jump and catch the ball flying into the goal.

Behind the goalkeeper there is a boy in a red uniform, this is probably a reserve goalkeeper, he dreams of replacing the main player and standing on goal, but he is not accepted into the game yet, he is still small, he is probably about 10 years old.

In addition to the players, the picture also shows spectators who are cheering for their team. They sat on an improvised platform - these were folded boards. Spectators are of different ages, there is a middle-aged man in a suit and hat, apparently he walked by, got carried away by the game and is now rooting for one of the teams. He has medal bars on his chest; he is a former front-line soldier. But the sickest ones are a boy in a dark suit and a girl in a red hood. The rest of the children are calmer. There are also girls in school uniforms getting sick there, apparently they haven’t had time to go home to change yet. All the spectators are looking in the same direction, they will probably take a penalty kick now, and that is why the goalkeeper is so tense.

Here we see a white dog curled up into a ball, and, as it were, also watching the match.

In the background of the picture we see an old industrial city, this is most likely the outskirts of Moscow, government institutions with a red bluish flag, old residential areas and new buildings are visible. The heads of the church are barely visible in the distance.

Times are changing, children of that time played football, ran fresh air, but today’s people can’t be taken away from their computer or laptop. They, too, would like to look at this painting by Grigoriev S., and then they will be drawn to the street, into the fresh air.

Painting by S. A. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”.
S. A. Grigoriev is a famous Ukrainian artist, the author of many paintings in which children are the characters. One of the artist’s best works is the painting “Goalkeeper,” painted in 1949.
The action takes place in the schoolyard on one of the warm days of early autumn. In the distance you can see houses, construction sites and a vacant lot, hiding in a lilac-bluish haze. The boundaries of the goal are the bags and caps of the guys.
The main character of the picture is a lanky, fair-haired boy. He alone looks like a real athlete, wearing blue shorts, a sweater, black leather gloves, and pulled down socks. The boy's knee is bandaged, which shows that this is not his first time playing. The goalkeeper stands in a tense position: with his legs spread wide, hands on his knees, watching the opponent’s actions. Behind the goalkeeper, his belly stuck out, his hands behind his back, in a red ski suit, his assistant, ready to catch the ball at any moment.
The spectators sat on sloppily stacked boards. They are all different ages. The game is watched by a man passing by and carried away by the exclamations of the children. The most active “sickers” are the boy in a dark suit and the girl in a red hood. The rest of the guys are more calm. All fans are looking in the same direction. From this we can conclude that now they will take a penalty. A small white dog, curled up at the feet of the children, is also watching the game.
The artist managed to unite quite a few characters with a single action. Each detail has its place, each character is revealed in his own objective way. The color of the painting is varied. It contains both pale, flesh tones and bright colors.
I, like many boys, like to watch someone play football. Being a fan is a very exciting activity.
I liked the picture because the artist managed to convey the intensity of football passions.

Description of the painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”
Essay plan.
Sergei Alekseevich Grigoriev and his painting “Goalkeeper”
The plot and composition of the picture
Goalkeeper image

Sergei Alekseevich Grigoriev was born in 1910.
The theme of youth, physical and spiritual health of a person plays an important role in the artist’s work. Children's and school themes are especially frequent in Grigoriev's work. Dedicated to children best works artist. The painting "Goalkeeper" brought Grigoriev well-deserved fame. For some works, including “Goalkeeper,” Grigoriev received the State Prize. It is this picture that will be discussed in this work.
This picture is very dynamic. Its plot is as follows. Autumn reigns on the canvas, as evidenced by the dark cloudy sky, yellowing and falling leaves. The guys were returning from school and went into a vacant lot to play football. The wasteland is located relatively close to the city, some buildings are visible on the horizon, you can even see the domes of the church. The guys built a gate from briefcases and school bags, simply throwing them on the ground, and an exciting game ensued. The fact that the game is exciting is evidenced by the overt interest of the fans. Spectators sit on a stack of boards.
The central character of the picture is the boy goalkeeper. The goalkeeper stands bent over, his posture is tense, he is intently watching the game. Judging by his posture, it can be assumed that the ball is still far from the goal. But at any moment the boy is ready to enter the game and defend his goal. The hero wants to be like a real goalkeeper. He has the pose of a professional football player, with gloves on his hands. The bandaged knee indicates that this is not the first time that the goalkeeper has stood on the football field, and he has always defended the goal, even at the cost of his own knees. One gets the feeling that the boy often watched football games and strives to imitate football players even in his clothes. The boy has pulled down stockings and galoshes tied with braid on his feet. It is clear that the goalkeeper is a brave, fearless boy, passionate about his work.
Behind the goalkeeper stands a little boy in a red suit with his hands behind his back. It seems that he also considers himself almost a professional football player; the child watches the game with the air of an expert. But he hasn’t been accepted into the team yet.
The eyes of all fans are directed to the right, to where there is an intense fight for the ball. The rest of the players with the ball are not depicted on the canvas, but the intense attention of the spectators indicates a heated battle. The man in the hat and jacket seems to be completely captivated by the spectacle of the game and as if he himself wants to take part in it. In his pose, the artist was able to depict tension and readiness for impetuous movements. The man sits with his legs slightly apart, his palms on his knees and leaning forward and to the side, to where the players are fighting for the ball. The young man is probably good at football himself. Or perhaps he remembered his own childhood and the same races with a ball in a vacant lot.
The boy in a ski suit and red tie is no less enthusiastic about the game. He looks with his head stretched forward and his mouth parted. A boy with a baby in his arms and a girl in a school uniform with a red bow in her hair are also carefully watching the game. Other girls, sitting on the boards - with a doll, in a hood, in a red hat - are more relaxed about the game, but nevertheless watch it carefully. The calmest, even indifferent to the game, characters in the picture are a baby in a down scarf and a white shaggy dog ​​with a black ear. The child calmly leaned against his brother, and the dog curled up and dozed.
The painting is called “Goalkeeper”, and this name reflects the essence of the artist’s idea. Grigoriev sought to portray a boy standing guard at the gate.
Despite the fact that the audience does not see the actual football match, it is clear that Grigoriev depicted one of the most poignant moments of the game. This can be felt in the goalkeeper’s posture - tense, full of expectation, and in the obvious interest of the audience.
To reveal the concept, Grigoriev uses such means of painting as lighting, color, and composition. The construction of the picture is quite simple and reflects the author's intention as much as possible. As we have already said, the goalkeeper takes center stage, main character canvases. The goalkeeper is depicted in the foreground, separate from the other team players. In the background you can see children and young man. In the background of the picture one can discern a city, high-rise buildings, and residential buildings. Details play an important role in the perception of a painting. Attention is drawn to the goals constructed from briefcases and bags and the goalkeeper's bandaged knee.
The painting was done in a warm color scheme. The artist uses shades of yellow, light brown, and red. The ground in the picture is light brown, trampled, devoid of vegetation, and the viewer understands: this is not the first time a football game has been held in this wasteland. You can see golden leaves on the bushes and the field; reddish-yellow boards act as benches for fans. The red tones were reflected in the little boy's suit, bow and girls' cap. Such colors help the artist convey the tension of the action, the match.
Grigoriev’s painting conveys a feeling of airiness and transparency of the autumn air. The landscape in this work plays the role of a background; it is unobtrusive and executed in rather muted colors: like a foggy city in the background, dark and warm earth tones, light, dull bushes. Everything in the picture is subordinated to the main intention of the artist and subtle psychologist: to most accurately portray a young goalkeeper who is completely passionate about the game and takes his role responsibly. Grigoriev's painting is a story about children playing football.

II degree in 1950. According to art critics, it is a striking work of post-war socialist realism.

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    ✪ Video tutorial. Preparation for an essay based on the painting by S. A. Grigoriev GOALKEEPER

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The history of creation and fate of the painting

Grigoriev said that his “searches in the field of genre painting remained empirical for a long time,” that at first he “wrote everything from life and pulled a lot of unnecessary things into the picture,” but then he “moved on to the director’s decision.” Researchers of the artist’s work wrote that Grigoriev was truly the first to succeed in such a solution (to unite all the characters with a single action, subordinate to the artist-director’s plan) in the film “Goalkeeper.” It is so thought out and “orchestrated” that it is perceived as a sketch of what was directly seen in life. In fact, this demonstrated the mature skill of the genre artist; each detail of the canvas has its own symbolic meaning, each character is convincing in its own way. However, despite the merits noted by critics, in Soviet times this painting was in the shadow of two other paintings by the artist - “Reception to the Komsomol” (also 1949) and “Discussion of the deuce” (1950).

The painting “Goalkeeper” was created in 1949. At this time, Grigoriev was already a professor, head of the drawing department. The artist’s turn to children’s themes was not accidental or his first (he first attracted attention to his works with the painting “Children on the Beach” in 1937). Grigoriev appreciated spontaneity in children's images, their naturalness, liveliness of reactions. The painting technique is oil painting on canvas. Size - 100 by 172 centimeters. The painting (together with another painting by Grigoriev, “Reception into the Komsomol”, 1949) was awarded the Stalin Prize, II degree, for 1950. At the same time, the canvas was acquired by the State Tretyakov Gallery th, in whose collection it is currently located.

The plot and features of its interpretation

The boy has a bandage on his right knee - a sign of devotion to his team, readiness to sacrifice his health for it. According to O’Mahoney, Grigoriev relied on the “goalkeeper-border guard” metaphor, characteristic of the culture and ideology of the pre-war years, a valiant defender of the borders of the Motherland from insidious and cruel enemies. However, the picture was painted in 1949 and the metaphor acquires a number of additional meanings. A vacant lot is depicted on the outskirts of a city or village (both outside the city and in the immediate vicinity of it; such a “line of defense,” according to the British art critic, is a reference to both capitals, Moscow and Leningrad, at the very approaches to which the front line was located during the war ). The background of the picture tells about the restoration of the country - scaffolding is visible on two buildings; nearby, on the right, there is an area where excavation work is being carried out, spectators are sitting on boards, which also serves as a hint that the match is taking place on a construction site.

The audience, with one exception, is children. They look, like the goalkeeper, beyond the picture frame, at the opponent preparing to strike. Some children watching the match are wearing sportswear; one boy stands behind the goalkeeper and seems to be assisting him. “Gates” are school bags placed on the ground on either side of the goalkeeper. According to O'Mahoney, this indicates the impromptu rather than planned nature of the event itself. Among the children, Sergei Grigoriev portrayed two girls. O'Mahoney believes that they occupy a subordinate position in the picture. One of the girls (wearing sweatpants like the boys') is nursing a doll, which suggests she is more of a mother-to-be than an athlete; the second, dressed in a school uniform, stands behind the other children.

There is only one adult present among the children. The pose in which this man is depicted by the artist immediately attracts the viewer’s attention: he sits with his left leg forward in the direction of the invisible enemy, with his hand on his knee. This gesture repeats the position of the goalkeeper's hands, in turn it is duplicated by the little boy who sits to the left of the man. Judging by his clothes, the man is not a trainer; in his right hand, a folder and documents indicate that he is a responsible employee of some government agency. On the lapel of his jacket are medal strips and ribbons, showing that he is a participant in the past war. In the film, he plays, according to O’Mahoney, the role of a mentor, passing on the experience of his generation to children

. Works based on the painting by S.A. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper".

To learn how to write essays, you need to write them, write them as often as possible. School program provides systematic work on the development of students' speech. But the teacher will not be able to do anything if the students do not have the desire to think and hone their speech skills.

Of course, you need to remember what plan is used to write an essay on a painting.

A rough plan for an essay based on a painting.

2. main part. What a picture. Her topic:

a) foreground;

b) background;

c) the color of the picture, its meaning;

d) the ideological content of the picture.

3. Features of the painting’s composition (if any).

4. Your attitude towards this work of art.

I offer the work of 7th grade students.

S.A. Grigoriev is a national artist, the author of many paintings: “At the meeting”, “Back”, “Goalkeeper”. He was awarded two Stalin Prizes, three orders and medals.

The most famous was his painting “Goalkeeper,” which depicts a game of football. We see the goalkeeper and several spectators of the match taking place somewhere outside the city, in a vacant lot. Most likely, it is already mid-autumn, because yellow bushes can be seen in the distance, the sky is overcast, and the clothes of the characters in the picture are autumn: the audience is in raincoats, jackets, some of the guys are wearing hats.

The picture describes the moment of the game itself. We see that the fans' eyes are directed to that part of the field that is not depicted. The goalkeeper stands in the foreground. With his knees slightly bent, he looks forward. He must be keeping a close eye on the ball. His right knee is bandaged and may have been injured during the game. His hands are wearing gloves. The clothes are simple, comfortable for playing: sweater, shorts, boots. Behind him we see a younger boy who was not taken to play. Spectators - fans, depicted in the background of the picture, show great interest in the game. The kids came straight after school, as evidenced by the school bags lying on the ground, marking the boundaries of the gate. All the people depicted in the picture are enjoying the game, perhaps for the last time: after all, it is already late autumn, it will soon become very cold and snow will fall. But no one is discouraged, because in winter there are many other interesting activities.

The picture does not evoke any special feelings in me, but looking at it, I can imagine what feelings each character depicted by the artist experiences: excitement, excitement, pleasure received from the game.

Olesya Naprienko

Sergey Alekseevich Grigoriev – folk artist, author of many paintings: “At the meeting”, “Admission to the Komsomol”, “Discussion of the deuce”, “Goalkeeper”, he was awarded two Stalin Prizes, three orders and medals.

I look at Grigoriev’s painting “Goalkeeper”. This painting shows Soccer game passing in a vacant lot. But only the goalkeeper is depicted among the players. Judging by the gloves on his hands, by his face expressing seriousness, by his sinewy legs, the goalkeeper is a very experienced player and has stood on goal more than once. He came to the vacant lot right after class, as evidenced by his briefcase lying instead of a barbell.

In the background is a boy behind the goal and fans who are closely watching the game. Probably the boy in the red suit standing behind the goal plays football well, but he was not taken because he is younger than the players. The spectators are very interested in the game, only the dog is dozing at the feet of the owner, it is not interested in football.

The scene of the film is Moscow, with Stalinist buildings visible in the background. It's autumn, apparently the last warm days, because the guys are dressed quite lightly.

I liked this picture because it is alive. I feel the emotions of the audience, with which all the characters in the film “Goalkeeper” are filled.

Elizaveta Sukhoterina

Grigoriev Sergei Aleksandrovich is the author of many paintings: “At the meeting”, “Returned”, “Admission to the Komsomol”, “Discussion of the deuce”, “Goalkeeper”. He has the title of People's Artist of the USSR. His work was awarded two Stalin Prizes, three orders and medals.

In front of me is Grigoriev’s painting “Goalkeeper”, it depicts a football match, but not the kind we are used to watching. The composition of the picture itself is interesting: we do not see the game, the ball - the goalkeeper and fans are presented to our attention. The author has set himself the task of showing what feelings overwhelm everyone who became a participant or spectator of this match.

The goalkeeper is depicted in the foreground of the canvas; he is the main character of the picture. After classes, the boy decided to play football in a vacant lot. Perhaps it was destined for him to be a goalkeeper; it seems to me that he really wants to be a player, fight for the ball, be in the center of the game and help his team.

In the background there is a boy who is not averse to playing, but he is still small. The painting also shows other fans closely following the progress of the game. Each of them is interested in what will happen next, who will win. Even a man passing by sat down on a bench and watched the game with boyish enthusiasm.

Ekaterina Trishina

Of course, the works are all different, but they also have something in common: the picture did not leave the guys indifferent, although this is a completely different era, completely different in its own way inner world People.

The material was prepared by the teacher of Russian language and literature Pletneva L.G.

The page provides a description of the painting Goalkeeper. Grigoriev Sergei Alekseevich wrote this funny story in the post-war period in 1949, where he depicted children playing football and the main character in which is a boy goalkeeper against the backdrop of gathered fans. The autumn weather outside is not clear; Moscow's Stalinist buildings can be seen far away in the haze.

The theme of this painting, Goalkeeper, corresponds to the atmosphere of that time; football is probably the most favorite game of children in the post-war period, since, apart from school homework, children had nothing special to do; at that time they did not have computers or modern smartphones. In addition to playing war games, children played football in courtyards, in parks and, as in this story, in a vacant lot.

In the film Goalkeeper Grigoriev, in addition to the fans watching the match, he mainly shows us one player defending the goal, the boy goalkeeper, all the other football players were behind the scenes.

Our hero, prepared to throw for the ball, looks like he is ten to twelve years old, and has probably already gained experience in several similar matches. Wearing boots tied with ropes, he leaned forward in readiness, resting his gloved hands on his knees and fixed his gaze in the direction of the ball.

The bandaged knee tells the viewer that he has already had a bad fall and scratched his leg. In this position, the boy expresses the complete seriousness of his intentions to protect his gate, consisting of two abandoned school bags. The result of a given match and, of course, his authority among his other peers may depend on his boyish agility and quick reaction.

The children's game of football attracted many fans, their eyes fixed on the moving ball, which the boys were not quite skillfully kicking. The bulk of the fans are local children of different ages, girls and boys, who were also joined by an adult guy in a hat, perhaps he was walking along the street and accidentally wandered into this vacant lot, seeing an interesting game of youngsters, sat down next to the children on a pile of roughly folded boards prepared for construction barns or housing destroyed after the war. By his appearance, one can determine a rather attentive interest in the result of what is most likely the most interesting stage of the game, possibly a penalty.

To the left of the goalkeeper, a young boy in red pants and a shirt is modestly watching the game; in his gaze one can feel the desire to join the game, but his older comrades do not yet trust him with the role of a player and he looks sadly, standing with his hands behind his back. Next to the children you can see a yard dog curled up in a ball, which is not interested in football and does not pay any attention to the children’s play.

As we already know, the author of the picture loved children very much, if we take into account the fruitful creative biography of the artist Sergei Grigoriev, he created many similar paintings about children and about school. Among his notable works about children are the following: “Discussion of the deuce”, “Admission to the Komsomol”, “Young Naturalists”, “Pioneer Tie” and many many others.

Today Grigoriev’s painting Goalkeeper is in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow

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