How to eat on a schedule. Features of changing the baby's feeding regime Vegetables and fruits in the diet

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What does a child’s diet become at 1 year old, and what are its rules? Is it worth introducing your baby to all the adult food on your table, or are there still restrictions? Is it possible to transfer the baby to 4 meals a day or should he stick to 5 feedings a day?

In the first year, you and your baby have made incredible progress. Instead of a tiny “lump” who ate only breast milk, now a real gourmet is growing up in your family, with his own taste preferences. He seems so grown up, but it's important to remember that the child is still small. And the approximate one is compiled taking into account physiological needs.

Nuances of a one-year-old baby's diet

Pediatricians strongly recommend following a 1-year-old child’s diet adapted to the needs of the child’s body. His table includes dishes that are lighter in terms of their impact on the digestive system and simple for an imperfect chewing apparatus.

  • Porridges must be boiled, but you can no longer grind them through a sieve.
  • Vegetables should be included in a 1-year-old child’s diet every day. Their nutritional value is very high, and their structure promotes proper digestion.
  • Meat and fish should be boiled or steamed. Steam cutlets that can be made in advance and stored in the freezer will be convenient, tasty and healthy.
  • Casseroles and soufflés are considered children's dishes. They are prepared from dairy products, a mixture of cereals and vegetables, and meat.

Don't shy away from jarred foods designed for your age. This is especially true during the winter and spring periods, when it is extremely difficult to obtain vitamins from regular food. Industrial canned food for children is adapted not only to the needs of the baby’s body, they often contain a full set of vitamins that the baby needs daily.

Other nuances of a child’s diet at 12 months:

  • the food is not homogeneous, but with large pieces. But they are still smaller than in adult dishes;
  • The food may contain the following spices: dill, parsley, bay leaf, basil and celery. Their quantity is small, but they already add a new taste to familiar dishes;
  • The recommended feeding regimen for a 1 year old child includes 5 meals. This is the optimal amount that corresponds to the physiology of the baby. The volume of its stomach is small, but the nutritional value of the food should be high. Therefore, it would be correct to feed the baby a little, but often;
  • A convenient diet for a 12 month old baby is as follows: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, full dinner. At night, kefir or another fermented milk drink is preferable.


Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding your baby for up to a year. What's next? Abruptly excommunicate? Despite the fact that the refusal of breastfeeding is already fully justified, it is impossible to reduce the intake of dairy products, the volume of which until this time reached 700 ml. The baby should still receive dairy and fermented milk products in a volume of up to 600 ml daily. This could be kefir for the last feeding, before going to bed. You can also include milk in porridges and cook casseroles with it. Even in this form, milk will meet the calcium needs of the child’s body.

Don’t forget to include adapted baby kefirs and curds in your 1-year-old child’s diet. Food manufacturers also offer special milk formulas for babies after 12 months. They will be a good help in saturating your diet with calcium, vitamins and microelements. You can use cottage cheese to make casseroles with vegetables and cereals. It is also possible to treat your baby with mild cheese - a piece or grate it.

And of course, if you still want to breastfeed, continue to do so. This way you can be sure that the child is provided not only with useful substances, but also with high immune protection.

A baby nutrition expert explains how to introduce milk porridge into your diet.

What to include in your diet?

It is necessary to draw up an approximate diet for a 1 year old child taking into account the following products.

  • Porridges are necessary and important, as well as very tasty grain porridges, good for digestion and rich in valuable substances. On the baby's table there may be buckwheat and oatmeal, corn and rice, and any other cereals at your discretion. Despite the love of all children for pasta and their, at first glance, close relationship with grains, there is no need to closely introduce your child to such food. It is significantly less valuable to him than any porridge. Also, the child can already eat bread - white is better, as it is easier to digest. A little later we can offer black.
  • Fruits and vegetables - it is important that they are present in the baby’s diet at any time of the year. In summer and autumn, feed your child pureed boiled vegetables, prepare him salads from fresh vegetables, make casseroles and soups. In winter and spring, canned baby vegetables and fruit purees will be a good way out. You can also stock up on healthy foods for future use: freeze fruits, berries, and vegetables during the season.
  • Meat and fish - the types of meat are very diverse, the main thing is that it is lean. You can use any offal and serve it to your baby in the form of steamed meatballs and cutlets. Fish is also healthy and low-fat; it is rich in phosphorus, iodine, and polyunsaturated acids. It can be boiled, made into cutlets and meatballs.


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It’s easy to say - feed them vegetables, but it’s not always possible to persuade them to eat them “in their pure form”, you have to “mask them”.
And as for large pieces, there is also a small problem - these pieces are discovered and spat out, our little reluctant one is too lazy to chew))
These cutlets are just a godsend! Thanks for the tip, you can actually prepare them for future use and freeze them.


Marina is right, it is not always possible to feed a small child with vegetables; even a bright, interesting carrot, after “tasting” it, is often sent to the floor with a dissatisfied face. You have to resort to tricks. But baby food manufacturers, in my opinion, never test the taste of their creations, although I love cabbage, but even I couldn’t eat even a spoonful from a jar of baby broccoli, let alone a child


But my child continues to drink milk at night, but she doesn’t eat kefir at all. It would be interesting to know what foods are best to give for dinner, because we are more likely to have two afternoon snacks than a full dinner. By the way, the article did not mention egg yolk, although it is recommended to give it to a child from 8 months. My daughter, for example, loves to eat them)


I was lucky with feeding my children! Almost until six months, both sons were exclusively on breastfeeding, I tried to prepare complementary foods myself, I still try to avoid baby food from jars, although the children are already three and a half years old. Our family is for healthy eating, so in a year I no longer prepared meals separately for adults and children. I often cook in a double boiler - both my husband and kids love it, and it’s good for everyone.


Doctors say that by the age of 1 year, the child should already be transferred to the common table. That is, he is ready to eat whole foods, the same as you and I eat. And this is very important, because the child develops and does not stand still, as well as his digestive system. Later, complications and problems may begin, so feeding a one-year-old child is an important stage in his development :)


One way or another, a lot depends on the baby. My daughter did not eat everything from the common table during her year. I just didn’t want to eat what we give. She still doesn’t like soups (even though she’s already one year and 9 months old). Until now, many products have to be ground in a blender. Lucky are those mothers who do not cook separately for their child after a year. We still make a significant part of our dishes separately. He doesn’t want to eat and that’s it! We still eat jars. He eats both fruit and meat from a can. He doesn't eat regular fruit at all.

For children over the age of 1 year, the most physiological is 4 meals a day - breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner, while a child under the age of 1 1/2 years can receive a fifth feeding in the form of a glass of kefir or milk at 23 - 24 hours or early in the morning. Regardless of the number of meals, feeding hours should be constant, which also helps maintain appetite.

Deviations from the set time should not exceed 15 - 30 minutes.

For the same purpose, the child should not be offered anything between feedings. Sometimes parents, in the intervals between main meals, give their children milk, kefir or a so-called fruit breakfast in the form of grated vegetables or fruits with sugar, or fruit juices. This is wrong because it reduces appetite. Moreover, it is unacceptable to give children sweets, cookies, buns, etc. between feedings.

When building a child’s diet, it is necessary to monitor the correct distribution of foods throughout the day. Protein-rich foods, especially in combination with fat, linger longer in the stomach and require more digestive juices, so dishes containing meat, fish, eggs should be used in the first half of the day - for breakfast and lunch, and for dinner - dairy and vegetable food, since at night, during deep sleep, processes slow down.

Young children can be conditionally divided into two age groups: 1 - 1 1/2 years and 1 1/2 - 3 years. The nutrition of children of these groups differs in the volume of the daily diet and the size of single portions. The amount of food should be appropriate for the child's age. A large amount of food leads to a decrease in appetite, a small amount does not cause a feeling of fullness.

The anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body of children 1 - 1 1/2 and 1 1/2 - 3 years old require different methods of culinary processing of food.

For children aged 1 to 1 1/2 years, all food is prepared pureed: pureed soups, porridges; vegetables and fruits are given in the form of puree; meat and fish - in the form of soufflés, steamed cutlets, meatballs. Children who have reached 11/2 years of age need to gradually change the culinary preparation of dishes. Semi-liquid pureed food is replaced with denser food: boiled porridge, vegetable and cereal casseroles, stewed vegetables. At the age of 2 years, salads from boiled and raw vegetables should be introduced into the diet of children; meat is prepared in the form of fried cutlets, stew in small pieces, fish - boiled and fried, freed from bones.

“Children’s Nutrition”, E.Ch. Novikova,
K.S.Ladodo, M.Ya.Brents

A special place in children's nutrition is given to vegetables and fruits. They are very useful because they contain carbohydrates, vitamins, various mineral salts, phytoncides - substances that help destroy pathogenic microbes. An important property of vegetables and fruits is their ability to enhance the secretion of digestive juices and increase appetite; Due to the presence of ballast substances, they prevent constipation, but some of them act as a fixative,...

Below are approximate diets for children aged 1 - 1 1/2 and 1 1/2 - 3 years. Correspondence between the amount of food and the age of the child The following serving size in grams is recommended for children 1 - 1 1/2 and 1 1/2 - 3 years old - Age, years 1 - 1 1/2 1 1/2 - 3 Breakfast Porridge...

As the child ages, the amount of meat and fish gradually increases in his diet. In the diet of children 1 - 3 years old, beef and veal are mainly used; lean pork and young lamb are acceptable. Fats, rabbit meat, and offal (liver, tongue, brains) are also useful in baby food. Among the meat products for children, sausages (dairy), some varieties can be recommended...

If your baby has a poor appetite, is not gaining weight well, or has stomach problems, then do not cancel late feedings, even if you have to wake the baby up to do this. It is advisable to cancel evening feeding when the baby sleeps peacefully all night and does not suck his thumb. Usually in children this period begins at the age of 3-6 months. When you stop evening feedings, increase the portions of formula intended for daytime feedings. You use 4 bottles of 220-230 g per day. But if the baby drinks only 150-180 g at a time, then this is enough for him, do not force him to eat more.

Loss of appetite between the third and ninth months. For the first two months of life, the baby eats food with pleasure, but then suddenly begins to eat much less. One of the reasons for this is the natural decrease in the growth rate of the child. In the first three months he gains about a kilogram per month. By six months, monthly weight gain decreases to 0.5 kg. Also, the child begins to teethe, and this causes discomfort in eating. Some babies develop aversion to solid food, others ignore the bottle. The main thing is not to rush things and do not force-feed the child.

There are two solutions to the problem. First, you can gradually reduce the sugar content in the milk formula. In the first months of life, sugar is very important for a child; it is the main source of energy. But when a child begins to eat solid food three times a day, the extra calories are no longer so important to him. Secondly, at this time you can switch to three meals a day, at 7, 12 and 17 o'clock. If these tips do not help restore your appetite, consult your doctor.

Switch to three meals a day

When the baby reaches the age of 5-9 months, he is ready to switch to three meals a day. Breaks in this mode should be about 5 hours. Therefore, if a child demands to eat after 4 hours, it means he is not ready enough for this diet and should wait a little. Also, when eating three meals a day, the time of the first feeding is of great importance; if the baby demands to eat at 6 o’clock, then it is too early to switch to the three meals a day regimen. Also, if a child eats well every other time, that is, after feeding the child at 6 o’clock, at 10 o’clock he does not eat willingly and after having lunch at 14 o’clock, at 18 o’clock he refuses to eat. This is also a signal that you can transfer the baby to three meals a day. And in this case, during breaks of 5 hours, the baby will have time to get hungry and will eat with pleasure three times a day.

It happens that a child, by all indicators, is ready for three meals a day, but out of habit he always wakes up to his evening bottle. It's not scary, feed him three times a day and give him a bottle in the evening, at 10 p.m. Soon, he will sleep through the night.

But it also happens otherwise: by all indications, a four-hour break is not enough for the child and he is ready for three meals a day, but at 6 o’clock he wakes up and begins screaming for food. Since the baby is so hungry, give him the breast or a bottle. Give him porridge or fruit for breakfast at about 8 o'clock. This will be his breakfast. Offer your child lunch at noon.

How to set feeding hours when feeding three times a day?

It depends on the needs of the child and the family routine. They usually have breakfast at 7-8 o'clock, but it can be later if the child does not show the proper appetite. For breakfast, feed your child porridge with fruit, milk and eggs. In the break between breakfast and lunch, you can give your child a snack with orange (tomato, pineapple) juice; 50 g is enough for him. If the child is very hungry, offer him to chew a cracker, a cookie, or a crust of bread. Lunch time begins at 12 o'clock, although some children are better fed at 11.30. Give your child green and yellow vegetables, potatoes, meat, and milk for lunch. Introduce potatoes into the diet with the transition to three meals a day so that the child is provided with calories for the second half of the day. If a child has a poor appetite or is very large, it is better to avoid potatoes. If the baby is not full, offer him fruit. Fruits should be given to the child 2 times a day. Next, between lunch and dinner, give your child juice. You should not give your child milk during breaks; it will take 3-4 hours to digest and he will not have time to get hungry by dinner. For dinner, between 17-18 hours, prepare porridge, fruit and milk. Having switched to three meals a day, the child does not always drink the previously consumed amount of milk; he cannot handle more than 200 g at a time. And for most children, 750 g is enough, instead of the previous 1 liter. But if the baby still drinks his previous norm, great.

Is it possible to stop sterilizing formula bottles?

The child's immunity gradually begins to develop in the second year of life. The water used may contain harmful bacteria, microbes can get into the mixture, milk and multiply there. You should not stop sterilizing the mixture; the body of a small child can be damaged by intestinal infections.

When can you give your baby a cup?

The vast majority of infants and some bottle-fed babies lose interest in the mother's breast or nipple by six months. Instead of actively sucking as before for 20 minutes, after 5-10 minutes they become distracted, begin to look at their hands, play with their mother, and look around. With age, they become more and more relaxed about the bottle and the breast, but do not completely abandon it even by 10-12 months. But there are babies who, by this age, on the contrary, more than ever, cannot part with the bottle, and get more and more pleasure if the nipple is in their mouth. It also happens that even a 2-year-old child cannot sleep without a bottle. Many of these children simultaneously drink water and juices from a cup. What's the matter? Why do some children give up the bottle easily, while for others it is very difficult? That's the reason. Babies who have been given a bottle perceive it as reminding them of the first months of life, it calms them down, brings incomparable pleasure, one might even say that the bottle, to some extent, replaces their mother. If the mother fed the child from her hands for six months, holding her on her lap, then in this case the mother, and not the bottle, becomes the closest thing to him and he concentrates his attention on the mother, and not on the bottle. Therefore, the surest way to avoid making your baby bottle dependent is to not give him a bottle, but to feed the baby yourself. Also, the sooner you start teaching your baby to use a cup, the better.

First sips from a cup

Let your child try to take a sip from a cup of milk every day from the age of five months. This is a kind of introduction to another way of absorbing food. At this age, he will be able to more easily allow something unfamiliar to him into his little world.

Pour several grams of milk mixture into a small cup once a day. To begin with, this is enough; the child cannot take a large sip. If you are breastfeeding, pour pasteurized milk into the cup, shaking the bottle well before doing so. By this time, you can give your child orange juice to drink from a cup. Try to make your child like the cup. When the baby crosses the six-month barrier, he absolutely loves to grab everything with his hands and drag it into his mouth. You can take advantage of this and give him an empty cup. He will pull it into his mouth, as if imitating the drinking process. After some time, when you notice that the baby is doing well, pour a few drops of milk into it and gradually increase the dosage. Remember, for several months the baby will absorb milk in separate small sips. He will learn to drink in large sips and gulps later.

At the age of 1-1.5 years, the baby may get tired of a cup of milk, try to interest him. Add a little porridge to the milk, pour cold milk instead of warm milk, add tasty additives to the milk and you can finally replace his cup with a brighter and more beautiful one.

Gradual weaning from the pacifier

Some babies have a hard time giving up a bottle and at 8 months, after taking a sip from a cup, they scream and demand their bottle back. Children pretend as if they don’t understand what a cup is for, what to do with it and how to drink from it. The child can be absolutely calm, but not swallow even a sip, but only let the milk run down his chin. By the age of one, they often stop being stubborn, but it also happens that even at 2 years old a child resists the cup. Try pouring milk into a cup, placing it on a tray with food, the child may suddenly take the cup and drink the milk. But under such circumstances, do not focus on this, do not try to force him to drink more. The child should take this for granted.

You will need to be patient; the complete transition from bottle to nipple often takes several months.

And I would like to talk about the reasons that prevent a child from giving up the bottle. Often the reason is a mother who is worried that her baby is not getting enough of what he drank from a cup and offers him a bottle, but the child does not refuse. If a 6-month-old baby drinks up to 480 g of milk daily from a cup and does not require a bottle, it is better to forget about it. And you shouldn’t, trying to calm the child down, out of pity, put a bottle on him on every occasion. The child does not refuse it and, as a result, partially refuses other food and there is a lack of iron and other vitamins.

When creating a menu for a 4-year-old child, you need to remember that at this age children are very active and spend a lot of energy on games every day. It is food that is designed to make up for these losses, because sleep alone cannot cope.

A balanced diet is the key to strong immunity. On the contrary, the wrong choice of products can lead to sleep disturbances, constipation, and increased fatigue.

Upon reaching the age of 4 years, the child should eat 4 times a day - this is exactly what Dr. Komarovsky advises. The meal schedule is the following: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. But some kids are not satisfied with this schedule. It is recommended to introduce one more item for them - second breakfast.

The amount of calories consumed per day for a 4-year-old toddler is 1700 units - this is the norm. Almost half of them should enter the body of the little fidget during lunch. Breakfast is considered the second most calorie-rich meal, but dinner, like that of an adult, should not be too plentiful.

What's in the refrigerator

  1. The complete diet of a 4-year-old child should contain meat products every day: steamed cutlets and meatballs, lean pieces baked in the oven, meat stew with gravy. Sausage, sausages and smoked delicacies are not recommended for young children.
  2. You can delight your child with fish dishes twice a week. They contain phosphorus and calcium, which are important for the proper formation of bone tissue. Dr. Komarovsky in his programs often draws attention to the correct heat treatment of fish and meat.
  3. At least 3-4 times a week, the child should be given fresh cottage cheese, cottage cheese pancakes and casseroles. The norm for a single serving is 120 g of product.
  4. It is advisable to offer a chicken egg to a 4-year-old child every other day or half a day; overdo it and it can cause constipation.
  5. Vegetable oil is allowed in the amount of 15 g, butter - 30 g.
  6. Milk, rich in calcium and proteins, plays a major role in the baby’s menu. The daily dose of dairy products is half a liter of milk and half a kilogram of cottage cheese.
  7. Plant foods are necessary for an actively growing body. Every day a child should eat about 250 g of vegetables and fruits - this is the norm approved by Russian pediatricians.

About product selection

At 4 years old, a child can eat many foods. But parents should be careful when choosing products, which should be natural and always fresh.

Of course, it is better to cook jelly from fresh or frozen berries, and not from an instant pack, and prefer meat to sausage.

Dr. Komarovsky convinces parents to be cultured in relation to food. Choose everything of high quality and prepare it properly. If children's catering establishments are controlled to prevent possible poisoning, then the family's food culture should not allow expired or harmful products to appear on the table. With the right choice, the child will not have indigestion; he will not have constipation, diarrhea, bloating, etc.

Making a menu for the day

The health of the child in the future will depend on how well a child’s diet is prepared at the age of 4 years. You should not be negligent in shaping your diet, otherwise in the future the child’s body may react negatively to the lack of vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances on the menu.

An approximate daily diet for a 4-year-old child could be:

  1. Breakfast
    • any milk porridge (200 g);
    • sandwich with butter (5 g) and cheese (10 g);
    • a glass of sweet tea with milk or cocoa (200 ml).
  2. Dinner
    • soup or borscht (200 ml) with meat (30 g);
    • wheat-rye bread (50 g);
    • cottage cheese casserole (120 g) with sour cream (20 g);
    • fruits and vegetables (100 g).
  3. Afternoon snack
    • raw grated carrots (70 g) with sour cream or homemade yogurt (10 g);
    • bun (50 g) with jam (20 g);
    • kefir or (150 ml).
  4. Dinner
    • stuffed cabbage rolls or peppers (100 g);
    • loaf or white bread (30 g) with a piece of butter (5 g) and honey (10 g);
    • milk (150 ml).

It is clear that you can use interchangeable products, this is just a sample menu.

Are all goodies healthy?

The nutrition of a 4-year-old child, first of all, should be balanced and healthy. Try to avoid margarine, spread, mayonnaise and other “unhealthy” vegetable fats when cooking. Let snacks in the form of ice cream, cake and others that 4-year-olds love to eat between main meals become taboo.

It has long been known that the most unhealthy foods are semi-finished products stuffed with preservatives: sausages, stewed meat, canned food, vacuum-packed ham. Replace them with a piece of boiled poultry or fish; it will be much healthier for your child’s stomach and will not cause either diarrhea or constipation.

Enough words have already been said about the dangers of chips, but let us remind you: this is a dangerous product for a child’s body! You should also exclude packaged nuts and crab sticks from the menu.

The main thing is to remember that the simpler the food, the more natural ingredients it contains, the stronger the baby’s health will be. Teach your child to eat nutritious food from childhood, because this is the key to good physical and mental development.

About the importance of drinking

Dr. Komarovsky in his speeches says that it is impossible to limit the drinking regime, even if the child drinks a lot. Just watch your drinks. Natural freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, compotes and homemade jelly are what need to replace sweet soda in the diet of 4-year-old children.

Vegetables and fruits in the diet

Fresh vegetables and fruits play an important role in the nutrition of children 4 years of age. They are sources of those vitamins and minerals that cannot be replaced by artificial food additives.

You can make simple salads from such familiar vegetables as carrots, radishes and beets; you just need to grate them on a medium-sized grater and season with unrefined vegetable oil. Beets are not just a tasty and healthy vegetable. It helps avoid constipation.

Fruits are much better absorbed if you give them not after the main meal, but about an hour before meals.

Some parents do not offer garlic to their 4-year-old child because of its strong aroma. But to prevent colds, this is necessary, especially if your child goes to kindergarten. At least once a week you should give your baby a slice of black bread sprinkled with sunflower oil with a chopped clove of garlic.

We don’t follow the child’s lead

Most 4-year-old children already have their own food preferences. It is clear that a child cannot eat exclusively his favorite foods; he needs a balanced diet.

But to prevent the baby from developing a persistent aversion to any product, he should not be forced to eat. Many pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, are unanimous in this opinion.

The best way out would be to temporarily exclude the “refusal” dish from the diet and use a little parental trick. You can offer this food to your child's friend, who will most likely eat it with great pleasure. Since the imitation mechanism works well in children at this age, your baby may well fall in love with a previously rejected product.

Cook at home

Cooking for a child has its own characteristics. First of all, you need to forget about hot seasonings. It is advisable to limit their presence in children's dishes to a minimum. A 4-year-old child does not need all kinds of additives in the form of ketchup, mayonnaise and cheap sauces.

And so that your child doesn’t find porridges and soups boring, diversify their taste with fresh herbs - parsley, green onions and cilantro. Naturally, you need to add them in moderation.

Dr. Komarovsky in his television programs pays great attention to compliance with hygiene rules when preparing food, because 2 hundred diseases are transmitted through food. Keep this in mind during your culinary experiments.

What you should know

There are also strict restrictions regarding the preparation of dishes for children 4 years old.

It is forbidden to give your child fatty meats, foods containing any food additives, or smoked foods.

Mothers who listen to Komarovsky’s advice know that a child’s nutrition at 4 years old should be balanced, but it should not be “diluted” with anything.

Be responsible with your food preparation methods. Fried foods are too harmful for children's stomachs. It is better to cook boiled and stewed dishes.

The presence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a child's diet must be balanced; the predominance of some nutrients and the lack of others will negatively affect the physical and mental development of the child.

Try not to repeat the same dishes too often. Over time, this can cause loss of appetite and other eating disorders in the little fidget.

The baby should eat at the same hours. He needs to be given a permanent place at the dinner table.

With the help of these simple measures, your child will get used to maintaining order and food discipline from an early age, which Dr. Komarovsky often mentions.

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