Characteristics of the population. Territory and population of Chuvashia How the population of Chuvashia changed

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Meeting of the head of the Ministry of Culture of Chuvashia and foreign students was held on October 2. The event was also attended by representatives of the State Drug Control Service of Chuvashia, the Center for Countering Extremism, the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia, the migration service of the republic, as well as educational institutions of Chuvashia. The main topic of the meeting was a discussion of the issue of preventing extremism and illegal activities among young people.

As stated at the meeting , today representatives of 128 nationalities and eight ethnic groups live in Chuvashia. There are 28 national cultural associations in the republic, noted the Minister of Culture, which represent 16 nationalities: Chuvash, Russian, Tatar, Bashkirs, Belarusians, Mordovians, Mari, Jews, Germans, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Uzbeks, Georgians and Tajiks. Moreover, according to the 2010 census, only 67.7% of the republic’s population are Chuvash, another 26.9% are Russian. Tatars make up 2.8% of the total number of inhabitants of Chuvashia, Mordovians - 1.1%, Mari - 0.4%. The rest of the population - about 2% - are other nationalities.

In addition, people come to Chuvashia every year foreign students to get an education. Thus, in only two Cheboksary universities there are more than 300 students who represent other nationalities: in Cheboksary State University named after. I.N.Ulyanova - 62 people from the North Caucasus region, 92 students from Central Asia, 7 students from Transcaucasia. At ChSPU named after. 136 students from Turkmenistan and 8 people from the North Caucasus are studying at I.Ya.Yakovlev.

Despite the fact that, in general, Chuvashia remains an atmosphere of mutual respect and dialogue between believers of different faiths, mutual tolerance of migrants and the local population, the need for the prevention of extremism and illegal activities among youth, as well as the preservation of interethnic and interfaith peace and harmony in Chuvashia still exists.

In this regard, Vadim Efimov emphasized that creating a tolerant attitude between different peoples requires mutual efforts. Work in this direction should be carried out not only by the Chuvash authorities and administration, but also by visitors. According to him, they must be ready to accept the culture and customs of the inhabitants of Chuvashia and take them into account in their daily lives.

In turn, the authorities on the planned on a basis will conduct educational, cultural and sports events aimed at the spiritual and patriotic education of young people, respect for the culture and religions of other peoples. National cultural centers and religious organizations operating on the territory of the republic will be invited to participate in them. Among them is the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Chuvashia. There is already experience in holding such events, the head of the department emphasized.

In addition, Chuvashia has already created Council for National Affairs and Council for Interaction with Religious Associations, whose activities are aimed specifically at preserving interethnic and interfaith harmony.

Chuvash ( self-name - chăvash, chăvashsem) - the fifth largest people in Russia. According to the 2010 census, 1 million 435 thousand Chuvash live in the country. Their origin, history and peculiar language are considered very ancient.

According to scientists, the roots of this people are found in the ancient ethnic groups of Altai, China, and Central Asia. The closest ancestors of the Chuvash are considered to be the Bulgars, whose tribes inhabited a vast territory from the Black Sea region to the Urals. After the defeat of the Volga Bulgaria state (14th century) and the fall of Kazan, part of the Chuvash settled in the forest regions between the Sura, Sviyaga, Volga and Kama rivers, mixing there with Finno-Ugric tribes.

The Chuvash are divided into two main sub-ethnic groups according to the course of the Volga: riding (Viryal, Turi) in the west and north-west of Chuvashia, grassroots(anatari) - in the south, besides them in the center of the republic there is a group middle grassroots (anat enchi). In the past, these groups differed in their way of life and material culture. Now the differences are becoming more and more smoothed out.

The self-name of the Chuvash, according to one version, directly goes back to the ethnonym of a part of the “Bulgar-speaking” Turks: *čōš → čowaš/čuwaš → čovaš/čuvaš. In particular, the name of the Savir tribe ("Suvar", "Suvaz" or "Suas"), mentioned by Arab authors of the 10th century (Ibn Fadlan), is considered by many researchers to be a Turkic adaptation of the Bulgarian name "Suvar".

In Russian sources, the ethnonym “Chuvash” first appears in 1508. In the 16th century, the Chuvash became part of Russia, and at the beginning of the 20th century they received autonomy: since 1920, the Autonomous Region, since 1925 - the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Since 1991 - the Republic of Chuvashia as part of the Russian Federation. The capital of the republic is Cheboksary.

Where do the Chuvash live and what language do they speak?

The bulk of the Chuvash (814.5 thousand people, 67.7% of the region’s population) live in the Chuvash Republic. It is located in the east of the East European Plain, mainly on the right bank of the Volga, between its tributaries Sura and Sviyaga. In the west, the republic borders with the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the north - with the Republic of Mari El, in the east - with Tatarstan, in the south - with the Ulyanovsk region, in the southwest - with the Republic of Mordovia. Chuvashia is part of the Volga Federal District.

Outside the republic, a significant part of the Chuvash live compactly in Tatarstan(116.3 thousand people), Bashkortostan(107.5 thousand), Ulyanovskaya(95 thousand people) and Samara(84.1 thousand) regions, in Siberia. A small part is outside the Russian Federation,

The Chuvash language belongs to Bulgarian group of the Turkic language family and represents the only living language of this group. In the Chuvash language, there is a high ("pointing") and a lower ("pointing") dialect. On the basis of the latter, a literary language was formed. The earliest was the Turkic runic alphabet, replaced in the X-XV centuries. Arabic, and in 1769-1871 - Russian Cyrillic, to which special characters were then added.

Features of the appearance of the Chuvash

From an anthropological point of view, most Chuvash belong to the Caucasoid type with a certain degree of Mongoloidity. Judging by research materials, Mongoloid features dominate in 10.3% of the Chuvash. Moreover, about 3.5% of them are relatively pure Mongoloids, 63.5% belong to mixed Mongoloid-European types with a predominance of Caucasoid features, 21.1% represent various Caucasoid types, both dark-colored and fair-haired and light-eyed, and 5.1 % belong to the sublaponoid type, with weakly expressed Mongoloid characteristics.

From a genetic point of view, the Chuvash are also an example of a mixed race - 18% of them carry the Slavic haplogroup R1a1, another 18% carry the Finno-Ugric N, and 12% carry the Western European R1b. 6% have the Jewish haplogroup J, most likely from the Khazars. The relative majority - 24% - bears haplogroup I, characteristic of northern Europe.

Elena Zaitseva

15:08 — REGNUM

Representatives of about 115 nationalities live in Chuvashia. The most numerous are the Chuvash (67.7% of the total population of the republic), Russians (26.9%), Tatars (2.8%) and Mordovians (1.1%). They are followed by Ukrainians (0.39%) and Maris (0.3%): in numbers they do not reach the 5 thousand threshold. Representatives of other nationalities make up 0.85% of the total population of the republic. Chuvashia is also home to a significant group of Belarusians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Tajiks, Roma, Uzbeks, Germans and Moldovans, Bashkirs, Udmurts and Jews. At the same time, representatives of Tajik nationality are actively moving to the cities of the republic: from 2002 to 2010, their number increased by 44.4% (or by 146 people), and this is the highest growth rate among other ethnic groups. These results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census were published by Chuvashstat, the correspondent reports with reference to the document.

Let us recall that according to the 2002 All-Russian Population Census, representatives of 97 nationalities and 9 ethnic groups lived in Chuvashia. As in 2002, during the 2010 census, nationality was also indicated by the respondents themselves. In addition, the population had the right not to answer the question about nationality: according to the 2010 document, 48.1 thousand people (3.8%) do not have information about their nationality.

According to the results of the 2010 census, more than 1.251 million surveyed residents of Chuvashia identified themselves as representatives of 115 nationalities. In general, there are four most numerous national groups in the republic (that is, nationalities whose number exceeds 5 thousand people). The first place is traditionally occupied by the Chuvash: the number of the titular nation in their native republic is 814.8 thousand people (or 67.7% of the total population of the region). They are followed by Russians - 323.3 thousand people (26.9%), Tatars - 34.2 thousand (2.8%) and Mordovians - 13 thousand (1.1%). In 2002, the group of leaders included Ukrainians, but by 2010 their number in Chuvashia decreased from 6.4 thousand people to 4.7 thousand.

In second place in terms of population are representatives of Russian nationality, their share has also decreased. Thus, if from 1970 to 1989 the share of Russians increased from 24.5% to 26.7%, then it began to decline. Over the next thirteen years, from 1989 to 2002, their number dropped to 26.6%. By 2010 it had risen slightly, to 26.9%.

The Tatars rank third in number. Their share in the overall population structure of the region is also unstable. In 1990 there was an increase of 1.9%. However, during the last intercensal period, from 2002 to 2010, there was a decrease of 6% (or 2.2 thousand people). Over the same period, the proportion of those who consider themselves representatives of Mordovian nationality also decreased by 18.6% (or by 3 thousand people).

Of the above nationalities in the republic in 2002-2010, only the number of Mari increased - by 3% (or by 106 people).

As noted in the document, changes in the national composition of the population are caused by three factors. The first is related to “differences in the natural reproduction” of population groups. The second is with the processes of “change of ethnic identity under the influence of mixed marriages” and other factors. The third factor is external migration.

According to the data, further in terms of numbers in terms of nationality, the situation is as follows. Chuvashia is home to 1,417 Belarusians (or 0.12% of the total population surveyed in the region), 1,290 Armenians (0.11%), 891 Azerbaijanis (0.08%), 644 Tajiks (0.05%), 602 Roma and 565 Uzbeks (0.05 each), 404 Germans and 461 Moldovans (0.04 each), 332 Udmurts, 317 Jews and 295 Bashkirs (0.03 each), 240 Georgians and 190 Kazakhs (0.02 each %), 127 Chechens, 166 Greeks and 117 Poles (0.01% each). There are also 90 Arabs, 81 Koreans, 72 Lithuanians, 22 Estonians, 14 Vietnamese, 6 Chinese, 5 British, 3 Japanese and 3 Americans living in the republic.

The number of Cossacks is noteworthy. In Chuvashia, 60 people classified themselves as belonging to this socioethnic group, 16 of them were women.

It is of interest that during the census, 352 people (or 0.03% of all respondents in the republic) indicated “other answers about nationality.” In particular, 75 residents of Chuvashia called themselves “Russians” by nationality, 50 - “mestizo”, approximately 30 people each - “Dagestanians”, “Guineans” and “Angolans”. There are also 11 “Bulgars” living in the republic, who consider themselves descendants of Volga Bulgaria. The list of "other answers" also lists one "Israeli" and one "Mexican."

Also in the republic, one representative of such nationalities as Aguls, Mountain Jews, Itelmens, Kamchadals, Karaites, Koryaks, Mongols, Nenets, Pomors, Sami, Selkups, Udins, Ingrian Finns, Croats, Tsakhurs, Circassians, Shors, declared themselves. Evenks, Evens and Eskimos.


The MP “Unified Center for Municipal Order” (UMC) by its name alone evokes negative associations: it is still followed by a trail of scandals related to the purchase of products for Nizhny Novgorod schools and kindergartens. It seemed that after the departure of Mikhail Teodorovich from the Federal Antimonopoly Service, who fought against the ECMW more than against all other monopolistic excesses, attention to the municipal enterprise would weaken, and Vladimir Zhmakin’s department would continue to increase the calories of others and its own. However, even with the new owner of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the municipal breadwinner is having a hard time: a controlled leak of information occurred through the telegram channel “Nizhny Novgorod Expert”. They say that an official who came from Tambov managed to buy an elite apartment in Nizhny for 5 million rubles in less than a year. This is what a satisfying place means! Those around Zhmakin confirmed this information, however, they added that the housing on the high bank of the Oka River was purchased with a mortgage, so it would be wrong to talk about the super-high income of the “helmsman”.


For several days now, information about the activities of the head of the republic, Mikhail Ignatiev, has not been updated on the official portal of the regional authorities. This looks rather strange, since he went to the forum of regions of Russia and Belarus in St. Petersburg, and news from such events usually comes in a stream. Meanwhile, various sources began to report about the head of the republic’s health problems, including emergency hospitalization followed by heart surgery. Certainly. It is not customary to discuss such topics when it comes to ordinary people. But the highest leader of a subject of the Federation is a special category. It’s not just medicine, it’s also big politics. Sincerely wishing Mikhail Vasilyevich excellent health, Pravda Volga Federal District is still forced to compare certain facts. By the way, after this publication appeared on our website, the St. Petersburg media confirmed the urgent hospitalization of Mikhail Ignatiev in serious condition.


A shocking video of the mass death of bees came to the editorial mail of Pravda Volga Federal District. A farmer from Chuvashia expresses on it everything he thinks about officials who did not warn in advance about the treatment of rapeseed crops with pesticides, which are a deadly poison for bees. The problem in the Volga Federal District also affected Tatarstan, Mordovia, Mari El and the unofficial “honey capital of Russia” – Bashkortostan. In this region, the death of bees is caused not only by pesticides, but also by the thoughtless crossing of bees of different breeds, which was discussed yesterday at a special event in the Shulgan-Tash nature reserve. In total, in Russia, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, more than 35 thousand bee colonies have died, and this very soon may result in an increase in prices not only for honey, but also for buckwheat, sunflower oil and other products, the cultivation of which is unthinkable without pollination by bees.

Thursday - 07/18/19


The process of restitution in Nizhny Novgorod from the return of old church property was actually transformed into the acquisition of new property and land. This happened with the famous Ostrog, which never belonged to the local diocese. However, according to Pravda Volga Federal District, this complex, located in the very center of the Volga capital, may be transferred entirely or partially under episcopal supervision. Nizhny Novgorod residents are already sounding the alarm and writing letters to Governor Nikitin asking him to protect the prison castle, and in the metropolis they have taken a defensive position, insisting that they will not take away the entire museum-reserve, but “only the house church.” City defenders see the problem in the fact that the temple occupies two floors of the building at once, and if it is transferred to church ownership, this may impose restrictions on visiting Ostrog and holding social events there. The negative information background surrounding the appetites of the metropolis, apparently, frightened the Federal Property Management Agency, which, pending a reaction from the regional authorities, promised not to make any sudden movements for now.

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